Time takes its own time!

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•Chapter 6•

"Assalamualaikum". Hidayah conveyed her salam to Asad while standing at his cabin door. It was her first day at office.

"Walaikumassalam! Come in! ". Asad said. Hidayah got in and sat in a chair adjacent to Asad making him lose his control.

"So yeah! Feel like home". Asad said grabbing Hidayah's attention.

"But this is office, Asad". Hidayah said calmly.

"Yeah I mean. Go to the second floor. There you will meet Annie, our chief. She will instruct you further about your job". Asad said in one go.

He didn't understand what rubbish he was uttering.

Feel like home? Really?

Is that even appropriate sentence to tell a employ? You've gone crazy Asad.

"Yeah Ok. Thank you". Hidayah said getting up and went straight to the elevator making him huff in response.

After a while,
"Am I talking to Annie? ". Hidayah asked a lady who was instructing some of the employees there and on mentioning her name, she turned around.

"Yes! Can I have your introduction please?". The lady at 40 said formally maintaining her strict domineering aura.

"I'm Hidayah Yahya Siddiqui. I've come for a job and this is my confirmation letter". Hidayah said extending the papers.

"Ohh okay dear! Just sit there for 10 minutes then you can come to my cabin for further instructions". Annie said smilingly.

"No problem! I'll wait". Hidayah said returning the smile.

"Oh you've a lovely smile". Annie said pinching her cheeks. Suddenly they heard a throat clearing sound and when they turned back, Asad was standing there with his pile of papers and extended it towards Annie.

"I want it today". Asad said confidently and in a formal tone which made Hidayah think whether this is the same person she's sharing her roof with. With Dadi and Abba, he's completely different person. He's being more joyous and playful at home but the case here is differnt. Obviously he couldn't be the same.

"Hidayah! Did you get the instructions? ". Asad asked her.

"Well no! I told her to wait in my cabin and then I'll give her a brief about her work". Annie said before Hidayah could say anything.

"Go then!". Asad said looking around. Nodding her head, Hidayah went to Annie's cabin.

"Annie! In my cabin now". Asad said.

"Yes boss!". Annie said going after Asad to his cabin.

"Shift Hidayah to this floor.". Asad said.

"But why boss? She's an automation engineer. We need her in that floor only". Annie said.

"Yes but the guys there were gawking at her like they haven't seen any girl". Asad said slight angrily.

"Calm down Asad! Why do I feel something is going on here? ". Annie asked teasingly making her eyebrows up and demanding an answer. Although he was her boss but they maintained a friendly atmosphere around each other.

"Nothing as such. She's my cousin. She's my responsibility here". Asad said quickly.

"Ok". Annie said not impressed by the answer she got.

"Get the papers cleared and send it to me today and please watch over Hidayah. Any bad move from the guys, give them the resignation letter right away". Asad said making Annie laugh at his cute antics.

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