her realisation!

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•Chapter 12•

"You have packed everything right? ". Rafeeqa asked her son for nth time. Asad looked at his mother and made her sit on a sofa.

"Ammi! What's wrong? ". He asked although he knew the reason behind her worry.

"You'll be all alone there". Rafeeqa said crying.

"Ammi! I'm not a child who won't be able to take care of himself. Stop crying. I don't want to go seeing your tears but your happy face. Will you give that to me? ". He said wiping her tears.

"Promise me, you will come back soon". Rafeeqa asked.

"I'll try Ammi. But I can't guarantee you on visiting here for every occasion". He said and from a buried corner of his heart, he knew he didn't wanted to come back anytime soon. It was better this way that he's leaving.

Last night was one of the worst nights of his life. He couldn't sleep well knowing their life is going to take a drastic change once the dawn is faded. He believed that she wasn't meant for him. But he wished, if she was destined to be his.

"It's time Asad". Sadique said coming into the room and interrupting the mother-son moment. Nodding his head, Asad got up. Taking his trolley, he walked out without glancing at his mother again for he knew, if he did, she will probably stop him and he didn't wanted that. He wanted to go far away, away from her, away from her reach, away from her memories. But he knew, he couldn't get her out of his heart. But he will try. Burying the pain inside his chest, he walked to Zohra.

"Anam, take care of Ammi". Asad said side hugging his little sister.

"Don't worry and come back soon". Anam said.

"Dadi. Make dua for me". Asad said which made the old lady lose her control as she was already on the verge of tears.

"May Allah bless you my son". She said amidst crying.

"Dadi. I thought you're a super woman! Aren't you? ". He said making her laugh.

"I'm going to miss you beta". Zohra said.

"So do I! Dadi. Okay I'm leaving. I'll talk to Yahya uncle on my way to airport. Javier is waiting for me in the car. Assalamualaikum ". Saying he walked out not looking back for once. He didn't wanted any of them to accompany him to airport. Because it will only increase their pain especially his mother. While he was hurrying to take his seat in the car, he saw Hidayah at the gate coming from the office. He looked at his wristwatch. It was 5:55.

"I hope you won't trouble me to remind you to be home before 6 from here onwards". Asad said giving his best smile when she was nearing him.

"You're going? ". Hidayah asked him. She didn't wanted him to go. Never she thought, she will ever wish for him to stay. Her childhood enemy is slowly making a place in her heart which was long buried. He digged every ounce of pain he had caused her to finally burying the seeds of love in her heart. She gasped at her realisation.

Does she really love him?

No please no!!

"Take care". Saying, he walked to his car and he finally disappeared from her sight. She kept her hand on her heart unable to take the pain. She ran towards his already speed car unmindful of her surroundings. She ran and ran untill she was drained of any energy left in her.

"Please don't go Asad! Asad. Please come back. I need you. Yes I need you Asad. Come back. Come back to me". Hidayah cried her heart out. She felt like a flesh of her body was cut into pieces. How she wished to have confessed her feelings.

At that moment she realised, Love is the whole thing. We are only pieces. And one of its pieces has gone with Asad forever that it will be always missing in her. The best and the worst thing about love is that it cannot be expressed in words. It may be hard to express those emotions but it will be harder if it's never expressed to the person we love. But can she do anything now? As the engagement dates of her and Arib has been finalised.

"We weren't meant to be, Asad". She said wiping her tears and getting up, she walked back to her apartment.


"Hida! I don't know what to say". Haseena said after Hidayah confessed her feelings for Asad.

"I can talk to Reshma phupoo and I'm sure she will understand". Haseena said further trying to cheer up Hidayah who has forgotten how to smile after Asad's departure. Her Dadi and Father felt the changes in her behavior. But they let it go thinking its because she's nervous due to the sudden change of events. It's been a week to Asad's departure but the pain in her heart is still fresh.

"That's not needed Haseena. Asad has gone and probably he might never come back. I lost him Haseena. I should have made efforts when I already knew, he will do anything to get us together. But I failed him". Hidayah said crying hysterically. Haseena was taken aback for she never saw her this vulnerable. Instead of saying things which will calm her, she hugged her unable to take her pain. Haseena couldn't control her tears either seeing her best friend emotionally unstable.

"Make dua Hidayah. For Allah is the turner of hearts, the best of planners. Miracles do happen. And wait for that one miracle which will change your life forever but please stop crying. I can't see you like this". Haseena said. Hidayah had calmed down by then.

"I'm sorry. Forget it. It no longer matters now. It was better that he left otherwise it would be so difficult for both of us". Hidayah said wiping her own tears.

"But if you both love each other, why dont you talk to your parents?". Haseena asked.

"I'll never let him know that I have feelings for him. He will do probably everything for us which I clearly don't want". Hidayah said.

"And why is that? ". Haseena asked surprised.

"How can I ruin my father's reputation in front of society Haseena? Everybody knows that I have been fixed and probably get engaged soon. I can take any pain but not a disrespect of my father. He has lived his whole life for me. He didn't got married again just to dedicate his whole life to Ammi and me. How can I become oblivious of his sacrifices? Now, at this point, I can only ask Allah to strengthen me in Sabr and faith". Hidayah said keeping her heart open in front of Haseena.

"May Allah make it easy for you ". Haseena said feeling sorry for her best friend.


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