Surprise visit!

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Chapter 11

"Why are you late, Hidayah? ". Yahya asked once she and Asad were at the doorstep.

"She had an emergency at office, uncle". Asad lied to which Hidayah shot her eyes at him.

"Are they already here? ". Asad asked.

"Not yet. But they will be here anytime soon. Hidayah, go and get ready". Yahya said.

Hidayah went to her room without a minute delay. She felt uneasy over all the things happening. Right from this proposal to Asad's confession.

She never in her worst of dreams thought of anything like this. She didn't understand how and when did he developed feelings for her.

She regretted of repeatedly asking him to spill the beans. But then, if she hadn't, she would never come to know about his feelings. But does that matter now when she's getting ready for some other suitor?

Asad's vulnerable state kept flashing over her eyes. He was acting strong but she knew how broken he was! She didn't get it, how can he fall for her. They never had a proper conversation during his one month stay here.

Realisation downed upon her, he's going back to US tomorrow without a closure. But why was she feeling numb and broken all at once. She wanted to cry but she didn't find the reason to shed her tears.

"You ready beta? They're here". Zohra said making her nervous. She didn't feel like meeting anyone at the moment. But she did smile halfheartedly.

"Yes Dadi. Just a minute". Hidayah said getting up from her dressing chair and covering her head with a white scarf.

"Let's go". Zohra said taking Hidayah's hand and walking out of her room.

"Assalamualaikum beta". Reshma regarded her salam.

"Walaikumassalam aunty". Hidayah replied to it.

"Masha Allah. You look lovely". Reshma said.

"Jazakallahu khairan". Hidayah said.

"That's okay beta". Reshma said. But Hidayah wasn't satisfied with that reply of Reshma. She expected her to reply her the way Asad replies to her. "wa antum fa jazakamullahu khairan". His voice ringed in her mind. Suddenly her eyes roamed everywhere to find the reason of her miserable state. And it landed on him finally. It ached her to see him offering snacks to the guests acting as if nothing has happened. When their eyes met, she didn't feel like taking it away from him but he lowered his gaze instead.

"Take some more, Reshma. You haven't eaten anything". Zohra said.

"Ohh don't be formal Khala. I ate enough". Reshma said.

"Hida, you seem lost. All okay? ". Her best friend, Haseena asked her who now happens to be her sister in law. Life's so unpredictable.

"Nothing Hasu. I'm just nervous. How's Afreen Di? ". Hidayah asked acting normal.

"She's good Alhamdulillah. We all are happy to add you in our family whatsapp group". Haseena said smilingly. Hidayah was too occupied with her emotions to return her smile.

"Please excuse us! We'll be right back". Haseena said taking Hidayah to her room.

"Now tell me what's wrong? ". Haseena asked her friend.

"I don't know, Haseena. I feel like I'm missing out on something. I feel incomplete ". Hidayah said feeling frustrated.

"Pre wedding jitters, I see". Haseena said teasingly.

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