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Chapter 26•

After one month:

"Eid Mubarak, Hidayah". Asad said slowly in her ears trying to wake her up.

"Eid Mubarak". She said with a genuine smile graced on her lips.

"Come on, get up".

"It's just 6, Asad. Let me sleep". Hidayah said still sleeping.

"It's our first Eid together. You cant waste it sleeping". Asad said taking off her blanket.

"What am I supposed to do then?". She asked getting up unwillingly.

"Come here". Asad said extending his hand towards her. She took it and got up from the cozy bed that was inviting but nevertheless she went ahead with Asad.

Shocked would be an understatement when she saw their little dining table decorated with beautiful rose petals. On centre was kept the cake on which was written, 'First eid together and many more to come'. And beside it, a gift wrapped in red.

Amased by her husband's this gesture of starting their first eid together touched her heart. She looked at him with tears in her doe eyes.

"Just a compensation for the days I was busy in office". He said smilingly and wiping her tears.

"This is beautiful Asad. Jazakallahu khairan". She said keeping her head on his heart.

"Wa antum fa jazakamullahu khairan. Come on. Dont you want to know what I have got for you?".

"Yes but before that, let me wash my henna stained hands". She said releasing herself from his hold.

It's been a month to their simple but elegant valima and also a month to their stay in US.

It was a roller coaster ride for them. Asad had to get engaged in work more than he could give her his time. But it was decided that sundays are always her day.

They both were glad that Eid this year fell on Sunday.

"Okay! I'm ready". Hidayah said unwrapping the gift.

He stayed looking at her face which has become his favorite sight.

"This is...... Ya Allah...... I can't believe it". Hidayah said gasping holding a necklace same as of her mother's necklace which was the only piece of her memory.

"How did you find it?". She asked him astonished.

"Actually, when I used to stay in your home during my initial days in India, I came across this beautiful necklace. I asked Dadi if it was hers but she said its Hiba masi's and also how attached you're of it. But somehow it was missing and couldn't find it even after looking for it for years. I found it inside the bed where I had kept my files. I returned it to her but not before taking a picture of it. I didn't know why I did that but right now looking at your face shining brightly for having this piece of jewellery, I'm sure I did the right thing". He said caressing her face with a tip of his fingers.

"But that was artificial, Asad. And this seems to be an expensive diamond necklace".

"Well my wife deserves the best".

"I don't know what to say".

"You don't have to say anything. Let me put this on you". He said taking the necklace from her and putting it on her.

"Now its perfect". He said admiring his wife.

"Everything is perfect when you're with me". She said leaning on his chest.

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