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Chapter 22

After one year:

"I don't understand how to convince them man. I'm literally pissed off". Asad said angrily on tossing the papers down.  His assistant, Tom bent down to pick them up.

"They are the only leading company here sir. So they wouldn't want to take any chance if our company gets the high recognition". Tom said.

"Yes. It's been already six months to this race, Tom and I couldn't still transfer this company to India". Asad said unable to take the burden.

He was more pissed off now.

He couldn't understand if it was because of his competitors who aren't willing to sell their company after all the paper works were done.


Because he wanted to go back to her.

He missed her terribly.

He didn't know how much more time he will need to sort things out here.

He was so occupied with his thoughts that he didn't hear his phone ringing.

"Sir, you're getting a call". Tom said breaking his reverie.

Asad's lips moves upward when he saw her picture flashing on his mobile screen.

On seeing his boss' sudden change of mood, Tom decided to leave him alone.

"Sir, Do you want me to order a cup of coffee for you?". Tom asked him before going out of his cabin.

"No, I'm good". Asad said receiving the call and dismissing him in the process.

"Assalamualaikum". He heard her say.


"Asad, what happened?". She asked him concerned.

Far away from each other, across the oceans, across the countries, there was someone who could understand his sullen mood just by hearing his dull voice. And that's what merely lifted his mood up. No matter how much he's stressed out, her soothing voice always did worked on him miraculously. He felt fortunate enough to be her husband. Still, the fate has chosen to keep them away from each other. If it was in his hands, he would never get separated from her.

Never, ever!

"Asad". She called him again to get his attention.


"you're stressed?".

"I was but after hearing your voice,  I'm composed!"

"Everything will be alright". She said not sure of when everything will fall in its place. She missed him too. She longs for his return as much as he wants to go back to her. They did only one thing, they relied everything on Allah. Asad tried every possible way and then surrendered his affairs to Allah, almighty.

"In sha Allah. Everything will be".

"Yes, in sha Allah".

"How's Ammi? I couldn't call her yesterday".

"She's good Alhamdulillah and have been shopping frequently for our...........valima". Hidayah said closing her eyes.

She wondered when that most awaited day of her life will arrive.

"Hmmmm.... I don't know what to say, Hidayah. I didn't think, it will be this difficult here".

"Allah has a plan behind it Asad so can we just trust him and his timing? know that he will bestow us with something that we will have khair in it".

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