Her new role!

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•Chapter 5•

"Hida beta, we've a surprise for you". Rafeeqa said while talking on a video call.

"Yes masi. Please tell! ". Hidayah said excitedly.

"Well you need to wait for 15 days for it! My darling". Anam said coming out of nowhere.

"Not fair Masi ". Hidayah said lowering her gaze indicating that she's upset which will melt her masi's heart to reveal the surprise.

"No such things are going to help, Hida. It will be a surprise only and yeah I'm leaving for college. Allah hafiz". Anam said walking out of home.

"OK then!". Hidayah said with no option left.

"How are your studies going on Hida?". Rafeeqa asked her.

"It's going great masi. By the end of this month, I might get a job too, in shaa Allah ". Hidayah said.

"Hida beta! I've proposed this idea of you working in our company before also. Will you just think about it ? And now you don't have to panic about travelling alone to US as Asad will be a company. What do you say?". Rafeeqa said hopefully.

"Masi I'll do anything you say but this. I can't stay away from Abba". Hida said partially sad for refusing her Masi's decision.

"OK! Will you do one thing Hida?". Rafeeqa asked.

"Yes Masi". Hidayah said curiously.

"Work in our Indian company then". Rafeeqa said making another attempt.

Hidayah was happy about the suggestion. In this way, she'll get a job plus her aunt will be at ease.

"That's great Masi. But I'll talk to Abba first and then let you know". Hidayah said.

"Ohh don't you worry. I'll talk to Yahya Jeeju". Rafeeqa said.

"OK Masi". Hidayah said hanging up after a while.


"Hida, one more semester to go and I'm tired already". Haseena said closing her book.

"Yeahh Hasee. I can't wait to get over with it". Hidayah said mirroring her friend's tiredness.

"What are you going to do next?". Haseena asked her to which Hidayah told her about the suggestion of her Aunt.

"Ohh that's nice Hida. Working under Asad will be a treat to our eyes". Haseena said sheepishly.

"In your dreams Hass. He'll be going back after he's done with work here". Hidayah said.

"Who will run the company then? ". Haseena asked her friend.

"I don't know". Hidayah said clueless.

"OK wait! You coming for Afreen Di's wedding right? ". Haseena asked Hidayah about her sister who's getting married next week.

"In shaa Allah. How can i not?". Hidayah affirmed.


"Label Hidayah's name on an Automation engineer vacancy. We needed an intern and she's best at it". Sadique told Asad on a call.

"When did this happen?". Asad asked making his heartbeat forget to beat for a minute.

"Rafeeqa is keen on this and I think she'll be best for this role. You know how hard working and talented she's". Sadique said admiring his another daughter.

"Yes Abba! I'll prepare the papers". Asad said sadly.

He didn't understand if it was because she'll be working under him for next 10days only or because he's going back too soon. His Abba is going to run this company here as they are going to permanently settle down in India. It was a surprise for Hidayah and her family.

Rafeeqa wanted to keep it a secret so Asad didn't even tell about it to Yahya. But for Asad, due to some pending work in US and to transfer their company from there to here, it will atleast take him 1 year to be precise to come back to his family and her. He wanted to stay away from her thoughts but their fate gets intertwined no matter how hard he try.

"Anything needed at the office? ". Sadique asked breaking his reverie.

"Nothing as of now". Asad said quite disturbed.

If it meant, he will have to face her 24 hours a day, he needs to be stable. His mad self won't only effect their company but also the relationship they share. But it wasn't in his hands. He didn't understand why her mere glimpse makes him so nervous.

"OK then! I'm hanging up". Sadique said and disconnected the call.

"Ya Allah! Show me a way out of it". Asad said looking at the sky.


"Dadi! You know about the good news? ". Hidayah hugged her Dadi squealing in happiness.

"What's it? ". Zohra asked her grandchild even more excitedly.

"I'm working in Sadique uncle's company here. Abba has also agreed to it. I just can't wait to start my career Dadi". Hidayah said dreamily.

"I'm happy as long as you're". Her Dadi said pecking her forehead.

Just then, they heard a bell indicating someone's arrival. Taking a shawl which was falling carelessly on sofa, Hidayah took it and wrapped it around her body. She opened the door to find Asad. When their eyes met, he lowered his gaze. Hidayah took back her steps to give him enough place to get in.

"Hidayah! Take this". Asad said handing her a packet.

"What's this? ". Hidayah said turning back.

"Actually Yahya uncle said to bring some whipped cream from the store. He couldn't make it". He said still his eyes on ground. He was afraid to look at her which will eventually make him more nervous than he already is.

"Jazakallahu khairan". Hidayah said taking the packet from him.

"Wa antum fa jazakamullahu khairan". He answered and got inside.

"Asad beta. You're back? ". Zohra said being excited which didn't go unnoticed by Hidayah.

"Hida. Go and check on the dish you cooked for dinner". Zohra said which caught Hidayah's attention. She definitely knew something was fishy. She went to kitchen to know what will follow further.

"Asad. Did you bring them? ". Zohra asked Asad after the departure of Hidayah.

"Yes Dadi but only one laddoo today. You're high on diabetes". Asad said laughing at the old lady's enthusiasm.

"Just give me the box, Asad! ". Zohra said.

"Ohh never Dadi. Take this or you're not going to get even this". He said taking the laddoo back to the box. But Zohra was quick to take it from him.

"Dadi". They heard a frightening voice of Hidayah which made Zohra to hide the laddoo behind her back.

"I guess, I need to get an appointment from the doctor". Hidayah said angrily which made Asad look at her. It was a rare case to see furious Hidayah. He found her cute being furious and he didn't understand what she was telling him.

"Asad! Are you even listening to me? ". Hidayah said more angrier.

"No.. Actually.......! ". He didn't know what to say.

"Never mind! Dadi, it's a last warning to both of you". Hidayah said snatching the box from Asad and going to her room to underground them.

"She's a bad granddaughter". Zohra said looking at her retreating figure.

"I heard that Dadi. But nothing is gonna work". Hidayah said without looking back which made Asad chuckle at her over protective nature.

"She just care for you too much, Dadi". Asad told the old lady.

"I know beta. Sometimes she acts like my Dadi and I'm so scared of her". Zohra said making him laugh harder.


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