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Chapter 3•

Next morning

"I can't believe I'm cooking for that brat. If not for masi, I'd have mixed poison in the food". Hidayah said putting a pinch of termeric powder in the chicken curry and stirred it well.

"Why do you hate him so much Hida? He's changed now so are you. You're not fat anymore just like his behavior towards you isn't same either". Zohra said calming the furious Hidayah.

"But I cannot forget those days Dadi when he made me miserable about myself". Hidayah said thinking about her older days and took a bowl of chicken curry separately and poured two spoon of salt in it and stirred well.

"This is for hurting my feelings". Hidayah said lifting the spoon and mentally patting herself for her bravery oblivious of the other person standing right at the kitchen door who came to fetch a glass of water, observing everything she said and did.

"You deserve that Asad". He said mentally preparing himself to taste the curry.


At the breakfast table:

"Take some more roti beta". Yahya told Asad.

"Uncle Why are you not eating?". He said gulping a glass of water. He didn't think she'll be this cruel to mix so much of salt in his food but nevertheless he didn't complain.

"Yahya doesn't eat breakfast without Hida". Zohra said.

"Ohh OK. But you can give me company Dadi". Asad said lifting a plate towards Zohra.

"OK beta". Zohra said sitting in one of the dining chair beside Asad.

"How's the food Asad? ". Zohra asked him.

"One of the best dadi". Asad said quickly which grabbed Hidayah's attention who was keeping an eye on him from the time he started eating. She wasn't expecting him to react so calm. She thought may be his diet contains more salt or may be the salt she put in isn't stirred well or may be the salt wasn't enough. She didn't understand which probability she should look into.

"Have some more roti beta". Yahya said giving a roti to him.

"No uncle I'm done. I've already had enough". Asad said getting up and washed his hands on the adjacent basin.

"Uncle, Dadi I'm leaving! Assalamualaikum!". Asad said grabbing his files from the sofa.

"Walaikumassalam beta and when will you come back? ". Zohra asked Asad.

"I wont be coming for lunch Dadi but dinner in Shaa Allah". Asad said walking out of the home.

"Such an honest and humble guy just like his father". Yahya told his mother who nodded in positive.

"OK let me have breakfast". Hidayah said sitting in one of the chair beside Yahya after Asad was gone.

Asad was her non mehram so to sit and eat with him is out of the question. She took the bowl of Asad's left over chicken curry and tasted a bit of it which turned her mouth so sour that a two glasses of water wasn't enough. She wondered if that person is still normal.


"But tell me how does he look? ". Haseena asked Hidayah who were sitting in canteen and gulping their favorite chocolate shake during lunch time after their morning classes got over.

Haseena was her only best friend with whom she didn't have to think before sharing anything. She knows her in and out. And also how can she not tell her about the sudden visit of that brat and also about the morning incident too.

"Why do you want to know about his looks? If you want to know anyways, he's one of the worst in looks". Hidayah said huffing in response.

"You shouldn't be too judgemental Hida. What you did in the morning was so bad. Whatever he did, it was during your childhood where we cannot understand our words properly and now he has grown up and he knows how to behave". Haseena said putting some brain into her head.

"Was I too overboard ?". Hidayah asked calmly.

"Happy realisation". Haseena said earning a glare from her friend.

"But he deserves that Hassu". Hidayah tried to reason.

"I guess. You're doing the same thing he did to you years ago. This way you'll never come in good terms with him". Haseena tried to justify.

"But I don't have to be good with him. He's just a cousin who will flew back to US after he's done with his work here". Hidayah said.

"You sound sad for his going back". Haseena said.

"Well in your dreams". Hidayah said and the bell rang so loud for the students to acquire their desired classes..


"Ammi! where is Abba? I'm trying to reach him since an hour". Asad asked his mother over a phone call.

"Sadique has gone to drop Anam to her college since you weren't here to do so". Rafeeqa said sadly.

"And why are you sounding dull now?". Asad asked his mother.

"I miss you Asad". His mother said genuinely.

"woooahhh!! Mother. Wasn't you the only to literally push me to India?". Asad smirked.

"Yes! How are you doing there? How's everyone at home? ". Rafeeqa asked diverting the topic

"All are good, Alhamdulillah! ".

"How's my darling, Hida?". Rafeeqa asked making his lips move upward suddenly at her mention and he didn't understand why. He should hate her after what she has done but he just couldn't.

"She's good Ammi". Asad said.

"Did you give them the gifts?". Rafeeqa asked again.

"Yes Ammi! I'll talk to you later and tell Abba to call me as soon as possible. It's urgent!". Asad said hanging up the call.

"Sir! Are the papers sent for confirmation?". Javier asked Asad coming into his cabin.

"No Javier. I'm waiting for dad's call and also dont call me Sir and I'm telling you this for the last time". Asad said in a tone of finality.

Javier smiled sheepishly in response. Javier and Asad has been a good friends since they were studying together before Asad went to US but still the bond between brothers remained intact. When Asad found out about the project they got in India, he recommended Javier to his father who was also in need of a job.

"Yes boss!". Javier said coming in and taking a seat adjacent to Asad.

"So how's life going on Asad?". Javier asked him. For a millisecond he didn't understand why Hidayah's face flashed in his mind. May be because she's succeeded in making his life hell or beautiful. Wait! Did he just say, beautiful? Ya Allah!

"Why are you zoning out bro? ". Javier asked.

"Uhh nothing, yeah life is going good. Alhamdulillah. How about you? ".

"Good Asad! Mum wanted to meet you. She was constantly bugging me to let you pay her a visit!". Javier said.

"Yes Javier. In shaa Allah".

"I talked to Kabir last night. He said he'll be coming to India next week". Javier said about their another friend.

"Really? That would be great. Coming to India wasn't that bad idea at all". Asad said getting another image of her in his mind.

What has happened to him?


Crystal-clear revelation struck Asad like a bolt of summer lightning. But still he couldn't understand if it is what he's thinking it to be..

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