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'fuck, Fuck, FUCk, FUCk am I heavy? I'm too big for this shit, I'm definitely heavy' I think while uncomfortably sitting on Namjoons lap, he sensed my tension and tightened his grip on my waist, pulling my back to be basically resting on his fucking abs. I roll my eyes at his antics, Got3 has gotten drunk on their turns and danced for us, it lightened the mood. Ali and Emma are basically eating each others faces.

It was jungkooks turn to be it, he made Ali spin until they got dizzy and then hit a pillow, they ended up hitting themselves. Emma needed to stand in the cold and sing a song about how great we all are. It was my turn. "Nora, truth or dare?" Kook asked cutely, I try to get up from Namjoons lap because the time was already up, but he just pulled me closer and kissed my shoulder making me hit him. "Dare" I growl while glaring at the pouting Namjoon. Jungkook thinks and then smirks "I dare you tooooo play rock paper scissors with me, if you lose, you'll have to sit on my lap while facing me"

"WHAT?!?" I JUST ABOUT HAD IT, WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY TRYING TO DO?!?! Namjoon whines while I get out of his grip "I'm not doing that" I say crossing my arms, Jungkook smiles "I mean, the punishment is way worse than sitting" I sigh 'we will play rock paper scissors, there's a 50% chance I'll win...'

"Ok" I say, we extend our hands "rock, paper, scizors shoot!"
"Fuck my life" I say, a single tear rolling down by face, Jungkook smiles widely, and before I could react, he grabs me by the hips and pushes me onto him "WHAT THE FUCK" my hands were on his shoulders, trying to push him away because my stomach was pressed against his abs while my legs were on both sides of his. My face was even more red than before. The six other hybrids were fuming from jealousy, Taehyung jumps up "it's my turn to be it. Nora, I dare you to cuddle with me!"
And that's how the six bitches started arguing while I was trying to push myself away from this other bitch.

This was a disaster, the boys ended up fighting and I needed to beat their asses and send them to their rooms so they could calm down. Me and Emma were chilling while drinking bloody mary while watching Got3 and Ali dance like drunk racoons, I don't know how I came to this conclusion but I don't really care. It was already late and before we could end the party, the doorbell rang.

I look at the door confused and raise my eyebrow, Emma follows my eyes "what the hell could be visiting you at this time?" I stand up, my eyes on the door "I don't know" murmuring I walk twoards it 'i have a bad feeling about this...'
My hand reaches the handle, I hesitate and look through the eye hole "oh shi- EMMA HIDE THE BOYS AND THE DRINKS" I whisper yell to the girl who immediately took action, she may get us in trouble often, but she's really good at clearing out crime scenes.

I open the door and act surprised "oh... Hello, how can I help you?" The two cops glanced inside the house "good evening, we're just checking in, these woods are filled with strange creatures, so we're making sure you didn't encounter any..." One of them says in a suspicious tone, I can feel my palms sweating "What do you mean by that?" I ask, trying to act innocent, the other officer looks around my yard "well... There has been an increase in hybrids, I'm sure you've heard of them.."

I smile "yes I have, I'm sorry I didn't see any wild creatures around, but I did see wolf like a km away, running further away" I say, pointing at the road, to get them to follow wrong tracks. They both nod and smile "thank you, have a nice evening!" I smile "you too!"

Shutting that door was the best thing I did today, Emma runs to me "what did they want?!?" I brush my hair out of my face "they were looking for hybrids....."
Her eyes widened "why were they looking for them here?" I groan while walking to the kitchen "How am I supposed to know?"

The four bitches came out and we explained what happened, I knew they were looking for my boys, but they will have to go through me first.

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