Tʜᴇ ᴅʀɪᴠᴇ ʜᴏᴍᴇ

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I leave the elevator with the guys following me, I look at the woman behind the desk who looked at me with wide eyes and looked at the boys behind me. I hurried out of the hotel not forgetting to show the middle finger to the woman.

The guys look at me and raise their eyebrows while Jimin and Jin laugh quietly. We finally reach the car and we get inside. I start the car but don't move "Ok boys listen, when we go back home I'll give you lessons about the human world" their eyes were all staring at me, shocked. Namjoon who was sitting next to me said "Oh that's good, because we only know Korean and what you thought us" I sigh and fix my hair. "okay, while you were gone Jimin did an oopsie and that's why when we get back we will need to punish him. Jimin sits up and start sweating. Making the other hybrids look at him with confusion except Jin and Hoseok who sat on their phones.

I looked at the back mirror and see them looking around I sigh. "bitches, use your fucking phones, when we are back home you will tell me what new things you learned" Tae and Jimin say a happy 'Okay' and immediately start scrolling through their phones while Yoongi and Jungkook quietly nodded.

We were already driving for ten minutes  and we were listening to the new Kpop group called TXT making me, Namjoon and Tae sing along. But then out of nowhere Hoseok starts giggling, I look at him through the mirror and see him showing something to Jimin making him giggle too. At this point the whole backseat was filled with giggles, Namjoon raises his eyebrows and looks back at them "What's so funny?" Hoseok shows Namjoon his phone making him smile and release a "HAAH"

I raise my eyebrow and glance at the two "what is it?" Hoseok shows me the same thing and I nod looking back at the road making them all confused. "you don't like it???!" Jimin asks sitting up, I keep my eyes on the road "I like it, it's just that I've seen it before" they look at me surprised and I chuckle "It's called a meme, you can find them on the internet and on YouTube.

 "you don't like it???!" Jimin asks sitting up, I keep my eyes on the road "I like it, it's just that I've seen it before" they look at me surprised and I chuckle "It's called a meme, you can find them on the internet and on YouTube

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They all do the 'oooh' sound and immediately go to their phones trying to look for YouTube and then... The chaos started. "Nora how do I click off?" "Noraaa! Look it's showing my face!" Then Jungkook drops the oof card  "Nora what is porn?" I growl and grab jungkooks phone, even though I was driving the road was empty so the car only drifted slightly to the side. I take the phone in one hand and hold the wheel with the other, after that I don't say anything about porn knowing that they will grow even more curious about it.

I look at the time and we have been driving for hour now. I smile "Okay boys you can relax now" with that sighing they slowly reveal their ears and tail making me smile.

3rd POV

Jin leans on Jungkooks shoulder and closes his eyes, preparing to sleep but Jungkook whines annoyed "Stop" and moves his shoulder away. Jin looks at Jungkook with puppy eyes "Jungkookie pleeeeaase" making Jungkook huff "Hyung you're annoying, get away" With that the now annoyed Jin says "YAH, Jungkook! You owe me!" Jungkook glares at Jin "FOR WHAT?!?" All eyes were now on the two boys, looking at them unamused because it's not the first time this happened. Namjoon would always stop them but he got so used to it that he doesn't even try so he just leans back on his seat and closes his eyes.

Jin smirks at Jungkook "For when you were scared to sleep alone so you came in my room so you could sleep with me" Nora raises her eyebrow at the two, asking God what she did wrong. Jungkook and Jin have a staring competition until Jungkook sighs "fiiine" and goes back on his phone while Jin smiles in victory and puts his head on his shoulder.

Jimin and Tae start whispering about some things while Yoongi was sleeping and Hoseok still giggling from the same meme.

Nora's POV

I enjoyed the silence and listened to the song playing, it's not everyday when the boys shut up. The song ends and a new comes on, called "Lalalay" I widen my eyes and yell "WOOH" while lifting my arm up hoping myself up. Namjoon looks at me and smiles, his dimples visible and snickers before you ng back to his phone with a smile on his face, his ears reacting to every beat the song makes and tail swinging from side to side with it.

I was singing along with the lyrics when I hear "What's Christmas???" I quiet down the music and look at Jimin who's curious puppy like eyes were staring at me, his ears up, waiting for my response. I laugh "Oh yeah I forgot about that. okay long story short an important dude was born and now every year this celebration happens you give gifts to one another and decorate a tree, I'll tell you more about it when we are back home, but I can say that Christmas is this week" His plump lips form and 'o' shape "OOOOH okay!" He sits back smiling. I start driving again and look at the back mirror to see Jungkook smiling at his phone, his bunny teeth visible and his eyes in a moon form making me giggle.

The ride home was nice to say the least, I would even fall asleep if I wasn't fucking driving but meh. Immedeatly when we reach the house and I park the car the boys jump up and run to the house, Hoseok stays and drags me by the wrist making me whine because my legs were hurting so bad for driving for three hours straight! GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK!




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