well shit

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We were now at the very top floor. My grandma sitting near her desk and me on the other side of it. She smiles "I know this is sudden for you, trust me, I know, but this is the reason why I bought your house so close to the work area. Plus, since hybrids were detected in that forest, I could only trust my granddaughter with keeping the area safe. Since the cameras didn't spot anything after you've arrived, I can say that you helped clear that problem up" I smiled "Yeah... But, speaking of hybrids..... Why torture them? I mean, they're still PART human" I say, trying to sound like I didn't care. The woman sighs "Well, that's part of the problem. People might want to protect them because of this. But they are a danger to our society, you've seen the numbers. All of them are stronger and smarter than humans. If they get as much rights as us. We will switch places and we will be the ones treated like slaves. It's for the great or good" That made me glare at her "I mean... Black people haven't taken over the world after getting rights, and they are proven to be better physically" she raised her eyebrow "are you talking back? The blacks might as well go and be given all the tools of ruling the world! It won't change the fact that they won't know how to use them, they are average!"

I looked around and mumbled "kinda racist but ok...." My grandma frowned "Don't tell me you actually care for hybrids...." I choked up "fu- frick no!..... I'm on the... Non hybrid team!" Gran sighs "good. Finally someone understands. Your parents were against the business.... Stubborn as always... I hoped that you wouldn't grow up to be like them.... And my wish was granted! Thank Buddha!" I clench my hands with a grin "Yep. Definitely....... I have school tomorrow soooo" The cheering woman calmed down "right, well, prepare yourself because when you graduate it, I'm going to resign! And don't think that I'm still not expecting grandkids" she winked, making me cringe. "yeah yeah, hahaha. So imma go now!"

I chant, jumping from my chair and joyfully strutting to the door. Gran was about to say something but I pretended not to hear and slammed the door shut. I stay still for a second, the fake smile still on.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAH" I scream, internally and melt "Oh god. Oh fuck, I'm fucked"

My mind was clouded with thoughts. How? How did she not know this? Did my grandmother plan everything from the start? Does she know about the seven boys too??! Just hiding it?!?
Oh this is bad. If the seven found out... Who knows what will happen then....

Suddenly, my phone rang. I glared at it, making my quick escape though the front door. I didn't even check the caller id before I answered "What?!?"

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