Tʜᴇ ғɪɴᴀʟ ғɪɢʜᴛ

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I raise my eyebrow confused "you're not gonna question the fact that I have seven grown, naked men in my bedroom?" She shrugs "Nah, all teenagers are kinky as fuck inside, so yeah" she sighs dramatically "kids these days are so dirty minded, in my days we would all be vanilla" I roll my eyes "Emma, were the same age"
She shrugs and pops the P "so?" I roll my eyes and close my bedroom door, not wanting to hurt my eyes "BOYS PUT SOME CLOTHES ON, WE HAVE EXPLAINING TO DO"

Me and Emma ended up in the living room and had a staring contest, Emma cooled down and put on a serious face "ok then, let's get real, WHY exactly do you have seven ADULT men in your bedroom??" I started sweating cuz If I said something about hybrids she would freak out, I sighed "actually, we didn't even plan to do anything dirty as you might think, it just so happened that ...." My hands start sweating because how the fuck can you explain that situation??? Emma raised and eyebrow at me "That...?"

I glance at her and continue "Uhhh.... They are my..... Friends..? And uh I didn't know they were in my room because when you called they panicked and hid in my bedroom!" I say cracking a smile but she didn't take my bullshit "and then they decided to strip completely naked" I sigh and slap my hand on my face "Look Karen, I-"

"Hello" I get interrupted by none other than Namjoon "Sorry for the misunderstanding we caused" He says and all the boys sit on the couch looking hot as HELL, damn I'm not much of a thirsty bitch but DAMN. I look at Emma who was checking them all out. Namjoon looks at me "may I?" I actually had no idea what to say so I nodded and excused myself to the bathroom. When I was out of their sight I ran and locked the bathroom door before sliding down the wall "DAMNIT, those dumbasses will totally spill everything to her, ok, I need to come up with an excuse..." I look around trying to clear my mind.

"jeez..." I sigh and then idea popped up in my head, I snap my fingers and jump up "YUS" I turn around preparing to run back but I hit the door making me curse, I growl and grab my head, I open the door, my eyes closed from the pain and prepare to dash but then I hit something again making me grab my face and crouch down "Curse the living beings of all hell and heaven, God have mercy" I growl. "Oh jeez, You ok?" I open one eye and look up to see Jimin making me glare at him "DUMBASS, WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE IN FRONT OF THE BATHROOM DOOR?!?" I yell pointing a finger at him, he backs off putting his arms off "Sorry, sorry, I just got worried. You just ran out and I also wanted to tell you that we settled things"

I straighten up with a confused look on my face "was I really in the bathroom for so long?" Jimin shakes his head "nope, we distracted her, now let's go before she thirsts over all of us" he grabs my wrist and runs back with struggling me behind him.

We run back, Jimin finally stopped making me run into him and fall on the ground, Jimin helped me up laughing, I look to see Emma trying to flirt with Yoongi who could care less about her and all the boys talking with each other. I sigh and go sit down on my comfy chair that I so rightfully claimed as my own and all the boys look at me and they smile "Welcome back Nora!!!" I give them a stink eye "dude.... I was on the toilet for less than a minute" Emma looks at me and laughs "Well you could have stayed longer" I roll my eyes "Bitch, wanna fight?!?!"

She smirks at me and cracks her knuckles "oh yeah, it's all coming together" when we were energetic we would wrestle and that strengthened our friendship, that's why every time we shit talk each other we end up fighting. I smirk back at her and crack my neck. "bitch you don't know what's coming" the boys stare at us like we were crazy and at the same time were confused because they didn't know if they should intervine or not. We stand up and I walk behind the couch, she of course follows me and we have a staring contest for like five seconds before she runs at me.

In our minds we looked like fighting pros from anime but I bet the boys looked at us like we were crazy... Again.
Like five minutes pass and both of us are breathing heavily and covered in sweat. Emma finally drops on the floor making me smirk "HAHA I win" I say and fall to the floor. Jin gets up and helps me to stand up "Ok that was entertaining now go sit down because one of you passes out" I glare at Jin and look at Emma who stood up, she looked at me "Yo, Can I sleep at your place?" All the guys freeze and look at me, I look back at them and then at Emma "Uhhh why?" I ask and she sighs "the truth is... I pulled a prank on my dad and he kind of... Threw me out of the house for a day"

I facepalm, it's not like her dad is a bad person, it's just that Emma's pranks are too crazy to handle and it's not the first time this happened "Listen Emma, you can stay here for one day and that's it, I'm not letting you sleep at my house anymore" she sighs and nods "I understand"I smile and go sit down next to Jungkook and Hoseok who smile at me, Jin comes out of the kitchen and brings all the coffee I prepared to the table.

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