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This is bad, the whole forest was silent. No wind, no air going into my lungs. Jimin and Joon laid on the snow, not moving a bit. I stay cautious and start sneaking around the two hybrids while Jin and Jungkook stared at me in confusion, I looked around the area, knowing that there is something suspicious going on. Even though it was day, dark and grey clouds formed above the forest, making it harder to see. I look deep into the forest and frown, a shiny thing cought my attention, my eyes widened- BANG

I was down on the ground, breathing heavily as a huge weight was sitting on my stomach, Jungkook saved me just in time, he didn't waste time to stand up and transform "Jungkook, don't!" I yell as he ran straight to the hunter as he prepared the second bullet. Out of nowhere a black shadow jumped from behind the man and bit his neck, throwing the hunter into a tree. The man screamed bloody murder as I stared at the panther in horror, Yoongi... I start hearing yelling from the distance and look back to see Jin already getting the net off of the two, I fall next to them and frown, noticing two feathery bullets "shit... They're completely asleep"

Jin growled, transforming into a lion "Put Namjoon on top off me. I'll try to carry him and you take Jimin" I look back at Namjoon... HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO LIFT HIM UP?!?!
I look around to see Jungkook and Yoongi running to us "We don't have time, take Jimin, Namjoon is strong enough to take care of this himself" Yoon says and I look at him like he just killed someone. "are you crazy?! There's no way we're leaving him behind!"

The yelling could be heard closer than ever, Yoongi growls "Then I guess we'll just have to fight...." Jungkook speaks up "I can carry Jimin back" before we could decide, a shot was heard and a bullet passed right over out heads, attacking an innocent tree. I curse as Jin, Yoongi and Jungkook stand in front of the two other hybrids "Nora, go. We don't want you to see this..." Jin says and I stare at them in disbelief "Fuck no!"

The men finally appeared "Stand down! Or we will kill all of you!" The three animals growled, not taking his bullshit, they were surrounded by the disgusting creatures called humans. Jungkook roared at them as a response making the main hunter look offended "You little shit!" He pointed his gun at them but before he could press the trigger, a tiger jumped out of a tree and mauled him to the ground, Hoseok circled around the whole group of hunters, they were now the prey.

As a cheetah, Hoseok was the fastest so he easily took down four of the men. It didn't take long for the other three to join in and start ruthlessly killing them, I looked down, not wanting to see the blood. "what is going on...." I looked at Jimin and Namjoon and slapped both of them, making them grumble in their sleep "Wake up god damnit!" I yelled over the screams of agony. A few seconds passed, but they felt like hours and suddenly, everything went quiet as I heard a click behind me. The five animals stood far away from me, staring in disbelief, I frown "What?"

A dark chuckle could be heard behind me "Well well well... Who do we have here" the world froze around me "Stand up!" The man ordered, making me growl, I slowly let got of Jimin and Namjoon and rose to my feet, the man grabbed my shoulder and I could feel the metal gun pressed right against my head "Are the seven ruthless killers... Weak for this one weak girl?" I snarl, I'm fine with dying but don't insult me when you do it!

"Release her!" Taehyung roared, sending shivers down my spine, and I could feel that the same happened to the man. Have you ever heard a tigers roar? It's like the devil crawled out of hell and cursed you to eternal suffering.
The man regained his composure "Why should I? You killed all of my men ruthlessly.... It's almost like you've done it before..." I could hear the sly grin on his face but I frowned at his words, even though they were in animal form, I could see the fear in their eyes.

"come on, Little girl ... Ask them! Asked them about their past! Ask them about their job..." Yoongi snarled as a warning to the man, but it didn't sound genuine, I stared at them in confusion, pleading that he was just messing with me. "ASK THEM!" he shakes me, making me yell "SHUT UP!" The man was taken aback and huffed "Fine, I guess there's not point in keeping you alive then. These monsters can't even protect their master" I tilt my head at his final words, my legs were frozen in place but the rage I felt for him, melted the ice off, I heard the click of the gun. The boys immediately started running twoards us. I growled and kicked his foot, making him stumble back as I twisted around and kicked him so hard in the balls that he would not be able to move for months, the man groaned and fell to the ground as I ripped the gun from his hand.

The hybrids stopped in their tracks and watched in amazement. I looked down at him in disgust "the only monster here is you" the man chuckled, he looked old, his eyes dark and emotionless "oh, I though I remembered you from somewhere.. now that I had a closer look at you... You're just as pretty as they said" I laugh in confusion "what the fuck are you talking about?! I'm about to shoot you!" The man smirked "Go ahead, shoot me. Then we will all be monsters." this son of a bitch.... My hands were trembling, I gripped the gun with all my force but somehow the grip only loosened. I sigh and lower the gun "Thought so, you don't have the balls-" I interrupted his confident moment by shooting a bullet into his leg, he yelled in pain "You bitch!"

I take a few steps back "Thank you.." Jin said, coming from behind her "Well take care of things from here" he said slowly walking to the man, ready to kill him, I shake my head "No...."
Yoongi frowns "What do you mean, no? He was about to kill you!" I glare at the man "if you kill him, it will make the situation even worse..." The man gave a confident smirk while holding his leg, I cracked my neck, that smirk was the final straw "Oh you son of a bitch-" I speed walk to him and punch him in the face, knocking him out. I whimper while holding my fist "How do people do this?!?!"

Hoseok walks to the two unconscious boys "We better take them home... We don't have much time left..." I nod, but don't even look at them and start going back to the house, letting them take care of the others.
Who are they?

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