Mᴇᴍᴇs ᴀɴᴅ Lᴇᴀᴠᴇs

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Nora's POV

I was looking through the window. the forest outside was covered in a white blanket while snowflakes elegantly fell to the ground blending into it. I didn't know why but I found winter really mesmerizing.

"Nora ....NORA!" the teacher snaps me out from my precious day dreaming, making me look at her with a blank face. She shoots a not so intimidated glare and speaks "do you want to tell us what you were thinking about?" She cocks an eyebrow making me mentally smirk inside " Thanos and Ricardo rolled into one" immediately after I said that, the whole class started laughing and agreeing with me, I mean I ain't lying, they are really hot. The teacher sighed in disappointment, thankfully giving up on me and continued the lesson.

The bell rang soon after and I stood up, pushing myself into the hallway, the school wasn't really crowded so I'm thankfully not being pushed around. Some girl I forgot the name of ran to me smiling "Nora, I know you like joking around but you gotta give the Teacher a break" She laughed, I awkwardly smiled trying to be polite "yeah I know" there was an awkward silence between us, I WONDER WHY.

Then out of nowhere a girl I so not want to see yells "NOOORAAAA" My eyes widen seeing her run to me, the girl beside me widens her eyes and slowly walks away. Not wanting to face the wrath of the screaming girl, I turn around and start running away "AH SHIT HERE WE GO AGAIN!!!" I ran circles around the school trying to get her off my ass but she reached me, grabbing my wrist and forcing me to stop.

"BITCH HOW DARE YOU LEAVE ME IN FUCKING MCDONALD'S?!?!? I HAD TO PAY FOR YOUR SHIT!" I only laugh at the girl who was squeezing my Arma. Little too hard. "it's not my fault you were singing Moto Moto out loud" she huffs and starts babbling about some stuff, her name was Emma and unfortunately she is my best friend. I roll my eyes for the hundredth time today, the bell thankfully rings.

~~Time skip~~

The classes ended and I ran out of the school grounds not wanting to hear Emma's big rant again, going home I shiver from the cold, it was winter making the place much colder, I take out my phone and scroll through memes going home with a smile.

Reaching what looked to be my house, but I highly doubt it since the house was surrounded by a lot of people and a truck, I get a good look and realise that it IS my house making me more confused then I already am and run to the closest person "hi, um what are you doing with my house?" The man looks at me "oh you must be Kim Nora right?" My mind was racing with questions but I still nodded, he smiles.

"This house is sold"

My mouth hung open, my house, is sold. Millions of questions ran through my head, the man then said "your grandma said it was a surprise, I don't know much but I know that she left something inside" with that he left to continue with his work leaving me confused as fuck 'ok what kind of bullshit is this?' I think.

I go into the small living room to see an untouched letter lying on the counter, looking around to see if anyone left it there I sigh, slowly reaching down and taking the letter in my hands, my name was written at the back of it, so I considered that it's ok to open it.

I rip that shit open and read the letter, it starts with 'how are you? How is school?' and all that bold shit, then it continues 'since your birthday is tomorrow I thought of buying you a pet but then I realized that you wouldn't have place for it so I bought you a new house' I choke "what the fuck?!?! She makes it sound like it's no big deal!" I sigh giving up on my extra grandma and continue reading 'the keys to the new house are in your room, I sent you the link that will help you find the house, HAVE FUN ;)'

I groan but smile after "I hate you, but I love you" running upstairs and somehow finding the house keys I speed walk through the now empty hallways of my once called home, I see my old car and get in "ok now where the fuck do I need to go?" Mumbling to myself I take out my phone and look for the link, I finally found it, I look how far away it is and.... "WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT?!?" The house turned out to be three hours away, I groan and start the car.

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