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Monachopsis- the subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place.



Nora froze, the whimpering voice caught her off guard, a commotion was heard in the background as the girl frowned "...Jungkook? What's wrong?" The man cleared his throat, his voice becoming serious "Nora, listen to exactly what I say. Don't go back home, they will follow you if you do. I don't know what happened- but they found us."
The girls eyes widened as she looked around, the slight wind tossing her hair around "Jungkook i can help-"
"-No. You listen!" He yelled into the phone, his voice immediately shutting Nora up. Pain could be heard in his voice as he whimpered on the last line. Nora ran into her car, frowning "Are you ok?!"
Kook laughed "It's fine. Everything is fine. Someone followed you, Nora. Someone always followed you.... Please. Hide." A scream could be heard in the background, guns firing off filled Noras ears.
Nora prepared the car in a panic "n-no. Where are the others?! Are you safe?!" The man let out a slight chuckle, Nora could hear him smiling "Nora. All I care about now is your safety, and your safety only. They will be coming for you, don't trust anyone new....don't look for us.-
Run-" Noras eyes teared up as she tried to speak, only to hear that the phone hung up. Silence filled the car, it was so deafening that the girl could hear her own heartbeat. It was so sudden. How- how did this happen- was this planned? Was it all.... Her fault.

Jungkook smiled, blood dripping from his mouth as he was sitting in a corner, a pile of blood surrounding him as pleads of help filled the building, screams of agony, tears of pain. He could see the people walking around behind the door.
Suddenly a pair of legs stopped right in front of the door, the boys heart dropped as they slowly turned to face it.
Jungkook's heart started to race as a tear rolled down his cheek.
The handle slowly turned as the door slowly creaked open, it felt like an eternity, oh how dreadful it was, like death was teasing him. The figures joyful orange eyes stared down at the hybrid.
The boy stared up, his dark eyes red from tears, holding his side as he mustered up a final glare.
The masked man smiled, slowly lifting up his hand.
A gun gracefully placed in it, Jungkook's eyes fell down on it. His soulless eyes held eye contact with death as the world stopped moving for a second....


The wheels sang as they were dragged against the cement. Nora's tear filled eyes barely saw the road as cars honked at her left and right. She didn't care how many rules she broke. The girl turned the wheels through the busy streets, almost hitting a car as she noticed the building again, before she could reach it, she got stuck in traffic as a red light pierced her vision. Today was extra crowded as police cars surrounded the building were now evacuating as the building was marked off with tape. How could this have happened so fast? In a span of 5 hours she managed to put the boys and all the hybrids in danger again.

"Coming to you live from Seoul, a secret hideaway of hybrids was found and is now under investigation. The hybrids considered dangerous have been neutralized on the spot"
She replayed the live broadcast, tapping the steering wheel impatiently, the news were lying. Talking nonsense, saying that they made sure to be careful and that no one was harmed but refused to show the inside of the building.
The girl grit her teeth as she saw black cars surrounding the building, she growled, glancing at her phone and then at the red light. "Fuck it" she growled, pulling the stick and speeding off into the building, her hand skillfully turning with the road, casually ignoring the red light

She hurried around the building, trying to find the entrance where Nayeon brought her from. Luckily, since Jin drove her the same way, she didn't have a lot of problem finding the hidden entrance, no officer was in sight as the girl didn't even bother parking the car and jumped out as soon as it was hidden. The girl ran to the building, her eyes looked around in a panic as she tried to see a familiar face.

The girl dashed through the empty parking lot, already seeing stains of blood. She ran upstairs and immediately stopped in her tracks. The white clean stairs were now covered in blood and stone from the damaged walls. The place was filled with a terrible stench as bodies laid all around. Nora took a step back, covering her mouth as to not puke, the soulless eyes of the hybrids stared at her as she looked around, trying to snap back.

"Hurry up, the cleaners will come soon!" A deep voice was heard from the other side of the building, making Nora crouch down. The man walked out, covered in all black and wearing a helmet, he commanded two other soldiers to follow him, Nora pressed herself against the wall that was separating her and the soldiers. Before the soldiers left, the main officer stopped, turning around and examining his surroundings, walking towards the wall. Nora's eyes widened as she covered her mouth.
She could see his shadow slowly approaching as the gun was already in sigh "Sargeant! The police force is giving us trouble again"
A man from the background yelled, the Sargeant took a step back "Oh yeah? Tell them to piss off!" He yelled, walking out.

Nora didn't budge, staying still until she was sure they were gone, her legs trembled as she used the wall to help her stand up. She walked past all the hybrids on the floor "H-hey? Anyone alive?" The girl whimpered, frowning to see better. But she didn't stay there for long, as she heard a gunshot outside.
A hybrid tried to run away and go shot on the spot, in front of the whole police force.

Nora's impulse took over as she ran to the stairs and made her way to the very top floor. Her tired legs barely holding on as she passed dead bodies left and right, and just as she thought she made it all the way up, froze. Her eyes wide as her mouth hung open, a huge stain of blood covered the wall to her left, that slowly slid down where a girl laid. The girls emotionless eyes stared up as tears were still visible on her face. Blood pouring out of her nose and mouth, bruise markings on her neck.
"N-nayeon?" Nora whispered, her voice crooked.

Nora crouched down in front of the girl, holding her by her shoulders "Wake up. Nayeon, wake up" she pleaded, her sad and tearful face turned into a panicked one, not believing what was in front of her eyes. The girl growled, shaking her head "calm down. Calm down!" She yelled at herself, trying to replace the fear with anger as she stood up again. Busting the main headquarters door open. Empty. No bodies, no sound. Just blood splattered everywhere.
She didn't waste time, running into their main office, only to see it empty, although she wasn't blind, noticing all the scratched walls and tables thrown around. Nora ran all over the place, every bedroom and every bathroom. "Jungkook! Namjoon! Hoseok!" She yelled, her heart was aching, holding on by a thread as she was still hoping to hear their voices. The last room was left, in the very end of the hall. Nora was holding her trembling hands as she slowly walked to it, every step was a leap as she was about to fall apart any second.

Nora walked to the slightly open door and opened it, revealing a dark empty room, containing just a giant stain of blood in the middle. Signs of a body being dragged out. Nora fell to her knees, noticing a phone laying in darkest corner of the room, realization hit her "Kookie.."
The girl wailed, tears and snot dripping down her face as she held her arms close, her shirt and pants getting covered in blood. Everyone was gone, dead, taken. And she helped finding them....

Comment, comment, comment people!
If i reach 30 comments and 20 of those stars on this chapter. The next one will come in a blink of an eye 👀

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