Fᴏᴏᴅ ғɪɢʜᴛ

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Nora's POV

I run up the stairs and got past my room, deciding to wake up Jin first since he can help me cook, I can also wake up Yoongi to help us. I go down the corridor and turn to the right and quietly open the door, I usually don't go to their room since I don't really give a fuck how they live but his room was no ordinary, it looked clean but you could see a mess on his desk, I roll my eyes and go to the double bed in the middle of the room.

He was still sleeping, his ears moving once in a while and tail swinging under the blankets, now I was in front of the sleeping figure "COME ON SLEEPING BEAUTY, WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Jin grumbles and turns his back on me, I click my tongue annoyed and jump on top of him, making him release a growling oof, is smirk but he suddenly wraps his arms around my waist and makes me lay next to him, so he was basically spooning me. I huff trying to get rid of his arms but even though I was strong, there's no way that I could overpower a hybrid.

He chuckles, his voice raspy from the sleep "Come onnnn" he whines, I stare at his wall, questioning my life choices, his long tail wraps around my leg while he nuzzles into my back "Okay that's enough touching for today you dick sucker, I need your help to make food" Jin releases me and sits up, he was only in his underwear so I stood up and kepts staring at his wall "And for goodness sake, clean up the mess on your desk" I say going twoards it while Jin laughs at me and goes to his closet to put on a shirt and a pair of pants. I look through the papers that were scattered around the table "What in the hell were you doing anyways?" I ask him, he just yells an 'I don't know' from the bathroom.

There were a few poorly drawn pictures that had dates on them, the first one was the day they met, it's was a simple flower, but the newer the picture, the better the drawings got, all of them were flowers, and the last one was yesterday, it looked way better than the first one, I smirk "wow, you really got better at drawing" I say, hearing him leave the bathroom, I turn around to look at him, he was wearing a loose black shirt and black shorts with a pair of pink lion slippers, I laugh at him seeing the weird Mach of clothes making him roll his eyes. "Laugh again and I'll make sure to wake you up in the middle of the night for the whole week" he says with a glare.

I wipe my tear off my face and give him a sly smile "sure" and we both leave the room, we pass by Nam who was heading to fix his room and take a shower. We go to the kitchen and I take out the ingredients "Okay so.... What should we make?" Jin thinks for a while and then his face lights up "COOKIES" I look at him and laugh "Sure, I'll look for the recipe, we have everything for the cookies so that's a relief" I found a good website and tell Jin what to do, we end up sharing duties, Jin was making the batter while I chopped up chocolate.

I took a bite out of the chocolate cuz why not and continue doing my thing until Jin speaks "yah" I look at him curious just for him to put batter on my nose, I look at his finger that put it on, you could basically see the wheels spinning in my head and then it dinged .... "YAH" I scoop some batter on my finger and do the same to him, he laughs making me smile "You will pay for this" He smirks "Sure" and puts more batter on my cheek, I growl and glare at him and since I was near a sink I turned on the water and splashed it on his face, with a smirk on my face.

He jums backing up and looks at me shocked "Why you-" He lifts me up "You can't escape me now" he smirks, his tail swinging playfully. I eep "Jin, you fucking peace of shit, put me down" I say and splash more water on him, he shakes his head, trying to ignore the water and spits some out, then puts my struggling on the counter, his hands at both sides of my legs, cornering me. He smirks and takes more batter and putting it on my forehead. I glare at him and put some on his too and laugh, he smiles, not bothered at what I did. We made eye contact and butterflies started flying in my stomach. His eyes were so full of feeling, it's like you could see the universe in it. He bursts out laughing and I follow, gently putting my hands on his shoulders.

He wipes the batter from my cheek with his finger and then licks it, staring at me playfully. I give him a disgusted look, a pink tint visible on my cheeks and slap his shoulder "Dude, you're wasting batter, now let's clean this shit up before the other wake up" he laughs, his ears twitching a little.

We ended up baking cookies that were still in the oven and then prepared kimchi, also when Yoongi woke up he helped with rice cakes and which I really appreciated since I can't make dessert for SHIT.

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