Wʜᴀᴛ ᴀ sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇ

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Four days passed since the boys left me without a word, a note doesn't fucking count. Those sons of a bitch really thought that they were doing a good deed by leaving me clueless, maybe they did, I don't fucking know anymore! It was only four days but it felt like weeks, like time was slowing down on me, I could see a single leaf fall to the ground for what felt like an hour, I could hear that one fly in my room who has been living here ever since I moved in and doesn't fucking die. It was so quiet... So quiet that my head hurt. It didn't help that i was laying on the bed the whole day-

aYa AyA aY iM yOuR lItTlE bUtTeRfLy-

I groan and take my phone, not even seeing who's calling "WHAT?!" I yell, there was silence for a second "... Well, I didn't expect my call to ruin you day so much, Ms. Nora" I choke up as I hear my homeroom teachers voice "Oh my god, Ms. Lee! I'm so sorry I didn't expect you to call" I sit up from my bed in panic, my teacher laughs "it's okay, I called because I wanted to ask how you were doing? You haven't been going to school for almost a month so I got concerned, is everything okay?" I sigh and massage my temples "..well... Not exactly... Since the start of the month I moved like two hours away from civilization... And... Stuff like that" I say with a smile, trying to sound okay. The teacher hummed "well okay then, I know that the winter holliday is tomorrow but I still wanted to ask"

I sigh "umm... About school..... I think I'll need to switch to online classes" I say "Why is that?" I sigh "I have a lot going on lately and driving myself everyday just sucks all the money up and really wastes my time and stuff..." I could hear her sigh "Okay, I'll see what I can do. But stay safe, okay? These days hybrids are everywhere" I roll my eyes at the last statement "Yeah, goodbye, have a good day!" I say and hang up.

I look down at my arms and sigh, I don't feel like walking, but the queen needs her food. "fuck walking" I grumble and crawl downstairs and turn on the tv for background noise before walking to the kitchen to look at my pathetic excuse of a fridge.
"Monster it is" I say to myself and put bread in my mouth before taking the drink out.

"Yes, Gerald. No one knows why they started moving. The seven wanted hybrids were found in the forest far from civilization and killed a squad of police officers who only wanted to peacefully talk to them" I choke on the bread and run to the living room and fall on the couch before turning the tv sound up "we got in contact with the only man who survived, officer Yang" suddenly, the same disgusting monster popped up on screen, a concerned look on his face "thank you... We tried to communicate with them, but they acted like ferocious beasts, animals. We tried everything to make them think that we're not a threat. But it seems like they didn't care, they only wanted blood"

The news reporter came into view "It seems like everything is clear. Wild hybrids are not like us, they are dangerous and vile creatures. And it's concerning that the seven suspects have started making their way to the city. Please be cautious" I glare at the screen while chomping on my bread "Fucking liar"

Suddenly, my doorbell could be heard making me jump from the sofa "Jesus Christ!" I glare at the door and run to the kitchen to take a knife "Who the fuck is that" I sneak to the door and look through the peep hole, my eyes widen and I yeet the door open before smiling "Grandma!" I look down at the old lady who smiled back "Hello, Nora" she said in her sweet voice. I pull away and ask "what are you doing here? Is everything okay?" I ask, frowning. She laughed "No, you dumdum. I'm just here to visit my granddaughter" she said inviting herself in and immediately going to the kitchen "My, my, you have no food! What do you eat?!" She yells, concerned. I laugh and try to get her away from the fridge "I'm on a diet" she looks at me in surprise "a diet?!? Who told you, you had to go on a diet?!" She glared and looked me up and down, I sigh "seriously, why did you come over?"

She sighs and sits down on one chair "Actually, I was worried about you, hearing all that stuff about hybrids and all, they came really close to your home... Are you okay? Nothing strange happen to you right?" I smile and shake my head "No, no I'm fine"

Her concerned face immediately brightened up "Well then, that's great! Let's go" she said, standing up, her expensive purse on her shoulder. I frown "Go? Where!" She laughs at me "To the mall, us girls need to have fun" she's talking like she not 60-70 years old. I sigh, knowing theres no way I'll be able to argue with her. 

We got outside and my eyes widened becausw in front of my house stood a black jeep with another car who had two men with shades sitting in it. "Gran, wha the fu-" I mumble as she smirks "What? Did you forget who got you this house?" I look at her like she was crazy or something "Oh... yeah, I never thanked you in person. Thank you" She chuckles while a man opend the backdoor for her "You're welcome" 

We finally got to the city and to the mall. I hopped out, already used to driving for so long, even if this was the first time I didn't drive. Grandma got out and hit my fucking stomach "Come on, there's no time to waste" she smiles and walks to the mall, I raise my eyebrow at her and followed. Two men in black silently followed us from behind but I didn't mind. Grandma dragged me to the rich side of the mall making my eyes widen "Grandma, no- this is expensive" she glares at me "Shut your mouth. You look like you've been wearing the same thing for years" I gasp, offended "ExCuSe mE, I have a pretty good taste in fashion!" She laughs "You're funnier than before"

She was already in the store, making me run to her. "what are we doing again?" Suddenly tons of clothes were thrown at me, EXPENSIVE clothes. "go try these out. I might me old, but that doesn't mean I'm bad at fashion" she smirked, flexing her luxurious hat and coat. I groan, walking to the changing area. "how the fuck is she gonna pay for this?!? Then again... She does have security guards"
I never really asked her about her job. It wasn't really my business and she would always avoid the subject by giving small details about her work. I only know that she's not a Mafia boss.... I think.

She dragged me to ten other stores before she was satisfied. I swear to God, we spent more than ₩200,500,000 (150,000€)  I groan, tired from all the dressing up. The guards were the ones who were having trouble carrying everything "Grandmaaaa what is this all about? You already bought me a house for my birthday" she rolls her eyes at me "Alright, alright. I want to offer you a job" I choke up and laugh at her "A job? I already work" she nods "I mean, in my company. I know I'm still young but I still want to make an investment"

I cross my arms and stop, looking at her "You want me... To take over the company?" Her eyes widened as she laughs "Don't be ridiculous! I'm far from quitting! It's you I'm worried about! Trust me, I've seen your grades. They fell so much after I bought you that house" I step back "Are you serious? My grades are not THAT bad. I'm an average student!" She taps my shoulder. "You were an average student. But I hope you start working seriously again after the Christmas break. These are the encouragements" she said, pointing at the bags full of stuff "every time I'm disappointed in your work in school. I'll take one of these things away"

I slowly blink "I am low-key scared. Are you okay?" She starts walking again "Yep! But for you to take over, I want you to work for it" I sigh "Gran.. you know I don't do good with working and studying" she turns around and slaps the back of my head making me wince "stop talking nonsense. If a bird doesn't fall out of its nest, it will never learn to fly." She glared at me and goes in the car, I was about to get in but the just looked at me weirdly "Oh, you're going home, honey. I'm not going to drive for an hour just to say goodbye. The other car is yours" she smirks but then gives a kind smile, pinching my cheek "Oh, you've grown so much..." With that, she shuts the door in my fave and drives away while I stared in awe "If I don't drink luxury wine in my million won car while I judge mortals by the time that I'm 30, I don't want to live." I sigh and shake my head before going to the other black car. "now I know where I learned the sassynes from."

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