Dᴇᴀʟ? Dᴇᴀʟ.

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3'rd POV

"×¢✓π€=¢×¢×°÷¢{¥{~π'׶∆ hybrids are more popular then ever!"

"Get yourself a hybrid for only £~×π€¶|{€π€¶€=×€×"

"all untamed hybrids should be killed on the spot ~×€√€×¥=¶€€=¢¶÷'π•=¥¶¥\"

"|¶{€÷|=€¶×'{ what about those seven wanted hybrids?"

"they are under investigation ×¢°¢×€=¥¶€÷×'($+$;("

On the TV, radio, ads and posters. Hybrids were everywhere, and not for a good reason. There was more and more talk about owning a hybrid, even though a bunch of people already owned a few. Police was everywhere, at every cafe, every school. Even in a library, but they didn't notice the hooded man standing in the shadow, he glared at the passing cops and slowly walked away from the building. It was evening, the sun was almost set as the man walked on the pavement, the streets were empty, no cars passing by. Just him and the twitching lights, while his long black tail swinged from left to right.

He cautiously looked around, even though he was far from the main city, there were no safe spots outside. He turned into a dim corner, a few puddles in his way. He finally reached a door at the very back and walked inside, slowly walking down the stairs to the basement and took his hood off "This is madness. The police are getting closer day by day." He growled as his black ears twitched. "Calm down, Yoongi. We have no other choice." Hoseok, who was sitting on the couch said, his tail twirling around his leg. Yoongi rolled his eyes and flopped next to him, pulling out his phone "We don't even have a plan."

Hoseok frowned and massaged Yoongi's back "It's going to be okay, Namjoon is spending all his time, trying to find a new place for us" Yoongi laughed "Are you kidding? We have well paying jobs, but we have to keep staying in this place?!" A scoff was heard from another end of the room, It was Jungkook, sitting on a chair and staring at his phone "Don't get so arrogant, Hyung. You know exactly why we have to stay here. If you want to be caught then go ahead, you already know the consequences" he glared through his long, black hair.

"We all are trying our best. You know what would have happened if we didn't leave Nora. Did you see the army of soldiers?! They were almost ready to bomb the whole house down! If we didn't leave that day. Nora would have died" Yoongi sighed "Don't play smart with me. I know exactly why we left. That is not the point"

Suddenly, running was heard down the stairs, and Taehyung appeared and ripped off his face mask, not sparing anyone a glance "I brought food." Hoseok immediately stood up to help with the bags while Taehyung looked around "Is Jimin with Namjoon?" Jungkook nodded and Taehyung started walking to a brown door right on the side of Jungkook, Yoongi spoke up "Don't bother him. Jimin has been trying all day to make Joon rest, so far it didn't work" Taehyung sighed "I know, but they have to eat too"

Taehyung took the risk of knocking on the door and went inside. The room was dimly lit but enough for the whole room to be seen. Jimin was spinning on one chair while Namjoon was curled up on another, his head was on the desk. Tae smirked "Any ideas yet?" Namjoon grumbled "What do you think?"

Taehyung handed the tired Jimin a sandwich "I think that you need to rest" he says, Jimin stands up "Good luck explaining that to him. He hasn't moved in three days" the tiger sighs "Wow, Hyung. You look like you're falling apart" Namjoon sighs and takes the sandwich from Taehyung's hand "And I still somehow don't have any ideas." Jimin scoots closer to the desk "Maybe you should take a break. That should help" Namjoon sighs "Yeah.... Maybe you're right..." Jimin stood up and clapped in accomplishment "Finally! After three hours!"

The doors bursted open, revealing a panicked Hoseok with his phone in hand "We have a plan!" Jimin groans, falling on the chair again. Namjoon frowns, standing up and walking to him "What do you mean?" Jin pops up from behind Hoseok "I just came back and Hoseok received a call from Jackson. The guy Nora is friends with" Taehyung frowned "what does he want?"

The seven got into the living room "So... He offered us to live with them if we help them get a friend out of slavery?" Jimin asks and Yoongi nods "Yep. It was obvious from their scent that they were hybrids. But I didn't expect them to help us" Namjoon sighs "Do we have anything to lose?" The room goes silent making him stretch "Great. Hoseok, call Jackson. It's a deal."


It's getting Spicyyyy

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