Rɪsɪɴɢ ᴍᴏᴅᴇʟ

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We finally arrived to the mall, I actually forgot how huge it was because I don't go here often. I barely found a place to park a car, I mean, what the hell!? Do people not work these days?!?! I sigh and get out of the car, Jin does the same and goes to my side, immedeatly throwing his arm around my shoulder. "Let's go!" I smile at him, seeing how his plump lips form into a smile.

We go inside, the mall was actually huge, it had four floors, an outside mall where all the designer things were. But right now I was craving for some ice cream. Me and Jin walked around for hours looking for an empty cafe, Satan shined on us because we finally found an empty seat! I run and immediately jump on the chair. "I'm not going to leave anytime soon!" I say as a threat and Jin laughs at me, sitting in front of me. "Me neither, what ice cream will you have?" I think for a while, almost starting to sweat because of how intense the fight with myself was, I look Jin straight in his eye. "Strachatela!" He tilts his head in confusion "what kind of ice cream is that?" I look at him, offended "It's a vanilla ice cream with chocolate pieces in it" he nods, and we order, I order what I want and Jin picks out vanilla ice cream.

We talk for like an hour, laughing at a few things, making fun of that dude with the funny hat and all that. Jin then looks at me seriously, I look at him. "Hay Nora...Did you know the first French fries weren't actually cooked in France?" I raise my eyebrow "..no?" He clears his throat  "they were clocked in Greece"  Jin immedeatly bursts out laughing, his wind wiping laugh filling the cafe while he clapped, I look him dead in the eye "You motherfucker.... That was a good joke" I sigh and smile holding back my laugh.

When we finished our discussion we walked around the mall and Jin wanted to look at the stylish clothes so he basically dragged my crying ass to the outside district, once we got there we immediately froze. Some kind of huge fashion show was happening near the Chanel shop, lots of photographers were there. "umm dude let's go somewhere else" Jin shrugged and once again put his arms around my shoulder "Loosen up Nora, we are almost invisible to them" I give him the 'Really? You stupid?' Look, because almost every person who walks past us just stared at Jin, I mean, who wouldn't, he looks like a God.

Jin decides to be a dumbass and drags me with him, we start going past the store, Jin not giving two fucks about it and me glaring at everyone who looks at us. I decide to calm down and when we almost walked past the modeling show, a photographer ran in front of us "Hey, sorry for disturbing you, but.... Can I take a picture of you?" He asks Jin, I was offended. like. dude. I'm the snack here! Jin smiles at the photographer, I move out of the way and the photographer started taking pictures, The talk male immediately started striking poses making my jaw drop.

He started getting attention from the other photographers and they immedeatly ran to take pictures of Jin, I just stood there in shock

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He started getting attention from the other photographers and they immedeatly ran to take pictures of Jin, I just stood there in shock. He looked like a famous actor or model! The show didn't even matter to the photographers anymore, Jin was the mane target. A man walked up to him and handed him a card and after him a few other people handed him some kind of cards and said something, I decided that I was enough and pushed myself to the front "EXCUSE ME, A MOTHER OF SEVEN IS COMING THROUGH" I felt like a wrestler trying to get to Jin, Jin noticed me and smiled, I gestures for him to walk away, he nodded and started walking, I cought up to him and he put his arm on my shoulder once again. "Damn Jin, you're famous already" he laughed.

The photographers were still following us, I glared at them "PERSONAL SPACE PLEASE, LEAVE" one after another they left us alone, Jin handed me the cards "What the fuck?" Jin shrugged "I guess I finally have the seven interviews already" I roll my eyes "Yeah, yeah" he may not know this but this is a big deal, he got interviews from Gucci, Chanel, Lui Vuitton, Prada, Fendi and Versace.... HOW IN THE MOTHER FUCK?!? I put the cards in my pocket. Jim didn't look fazed by what just happened and dragged me to random fashion stores. Jesus, is he trying to kill me from boredom? We still can't buy anything.

An hour passed and Jin was still at it, while I was leaning against the stores wall and playing Minecraft, I then received a text from Jimin.

Jimin- 'Nora, sorry if I'm bothering you, but my heat has finished and Hoseoks ended about an hour ago, please hurry up'

I widen my eyes and look for Jin, he was deciding if he should like the black shirt or a grey one, I roll my eyes and go to him, replying to Jimin "Jin, let's go, Jimin's and Hoseoks heat ended" Jin nodded and immediately put down the clothes, we decided to go around the mall to ignore the photographers. I swear to God it was freezing but there was no snow, EXPLAIN NATURE, EXPLAIN!! I grumble and run to my car, Jin sits down next to me. I start speeding to the hotel and can't help but notice that Jin was looking at my every movement, how I turned the wheel, what pedals I was pressing, how I used these lever. It was strange but I didn't care too much.

We finally arrived to the hotel and I yeeted myself to the elevator, Jin ran to me after that and checked if I didn't hurt myself which ended up with me glaring at Jin for thinking that I would be hurt from that, the woman at the counter was confused but let it slide. We got to the 4th floor and I went inside, I immedeatly covered my ears, not wanting to listen to those cursed noises, Jin chuckles at me, we went to Jimin's room first and I knocked, there was silence for a while so I decided to open the door, To my surprise, it was open. Jin asks to go first so I let him.

Before I could step foot into the room, Jin stopped me "Nora, wait here" I frown "Bitch the fuck?!?!" He shushed me and went inside, I grumbled and sat on the ground. Jin came back "He's not here"

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