I ᴡᴀɴɴᴀ ʜᴜɢ ʏᴏᴜ

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By the time the guys finished the coffee it was already 10pm so I ushered all of them to go to sleep while Emma was staying downstairs and sleeping on the couch. I took a shower and did my night routine which was literally just splashing water in my face and went to my bedroom, I put on my pajamas and flip on the bed "Oh I missed you" I say and hug the pillow and slowly drift into dream world.

¥# next day ¥#

I yawn, waking up and stretching in my bed, not wanting to leave it, I roll on my other side wanting sleep to take over me again, but my eyes burst open remembering that Emma was staying, I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom and brush my hair and do my morning routine then yeet myself into my closet and put on the first clothes I find before dashing downstairs. I looked at the couch to see Emma still sleeping and I sigh walking into the kitchen and make myself down cereal as quietly as possible and take out my phone, it was Sunday so we didn't need to worry about school. I go sit down on a chair and scroll through YouTube before hearing someone come downstairs.

I look to see Hoseok coming into the kitchen.... With HIS EARS AND TAIL OUT. I almost choked on my cereal before rushing do smack him on the head "Dumbass, hide you tail and ears" I whisper yell and him and he immedeatly does it after rubbing his head "you didn't need to hit me...." He pouts making me sigh "Sorry, do you want something to eat?" Hoseok immedeatly nods, his eyes shining, I smile and go make him cereal "We don't have anything else" Hoseok smiled "it's ok, I love any kind of food!!" I smile and hand him the bowl of cereal and we both sit at the table and talk about our day when I see Namjoon opening the fridge "how the fuck did you get there?" Namjoon laughs at me and shrugs "magic"

I roll my eyes at his response, he takes out a yogurt and goes sit down next to me, he immedeatly puts his head on my shoulder "Ugh... Why did Emma have to sleep here? It's killing me!" I raise my eyebrow and glance at Hoseok who also had a face of pain and struggling "Uhh... Emma's presence is killing you?" I ask and he shakes his head "no .... We can't be too affectionate with you near her" I sigh and nod understanding, hey, she'll be gone after she wakes up so suffer quietly" they nod, Hoseok almost whines. Then suddenly out of nowhere we hear a scream "HOW DARE YOU WAKE ME UP?!?" I stand up to see Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin run up to me with fear in their eyes and hide behind me. I of course was confused as fuck and saw a grumpy Yoongi coming near us with rage in his eyes "YOU WILL REGRET THIS" Yoongi growls and I hear the three children whine out of fear.

I glare at Yoongi "Hey chill" he looks at me "They woke me up!" I roll my eyes "Then they should apologize" I move out of the way and cross my hands in front of my chest and look at the three kids "You heard me, apologize to grandpa" they look at me with their pleading eyes and bow to Yoongi "were sorry!" Yoongi calms down "you're lucky Nora is here or else I would kill you" he glares and goes to sit down next to Hoseok, immedeatly falling asleep. I look at the three boys "Welp, next time I'll let him kill you" Jungkook whines "whyy?" Before I could anwser is see Emma coming into the kitchen, her hair everywhere and her swollen face makes her look like a zombie "it was nice to be with y'all and all that stuff but I'll go now" I smile "FINALLY" she glares at me "bitch"

We hug as a goodbye and I lead Emma to the exit, Emma immedeatly leaves the house and gets into her car before driving off, we are so close that we could even sleep naked in the same bed if we didn't have extra clothes. Of course we would joke about this a lot. I smile seeing her car disappear into the woods, I turn around just to see the six men standing in front of me, their eyes gazing down at me. I swear my legs went weak for a second, I noticed that they all had their tails and ears out. Then, before I could react, I ended up on the ground with six heavy men on top of me "YAH IT HURTS GET OFF" I wheeze out and hit them, they of course get off, Taehyung was still hugging me and I sighed and looked around "wheres Jin?" Jungkook gestures twoards the kitchen "he came down soon after you said goodbye to Emma and went to make normal breakfast"

"He can cook" all of them nod "yup, he's like a chef!" Hoseok squeals, I smile at them, damn, these dumbasses really grew on me.

Long story short after Jin made food for us we ate and then sat in the living room, all of them of course cuddled next to me. I turned on the TV to watch the news and stroked Jimin and Taehyung's heads. "hello, today I'm your host Karen and we will talk about the Hybrid incident" I could see all the boy's ears perk up, and even if they weren't moving, their attention was completely on the TV. "We got an interview with one of the students who could explain this man and animal mystery" I tilted my head in confusion, on the screen appeared a phone, the scientist talked into the phone, I was disappointed that they didn't show his face but still listened.

"You see.. Hybrids as we know have existed for a long time so we can't say that they weren't supposed to exist, when we did more research on hybrids and could eventually see one in real life we discovered that their intelligence, strength and every part of human body is ten times better than a normal human beings, we still don't know how they can turn into animals but we allow ourselves to think that they themselves deform every part of their body. The seven hybrids who were lost are still under heavy search and when we find them we will bring them to our lab and try to find out more about them" all of our eyes were on the screen by now, the host said something else and a clip played on the screen, it was a cat hissing at the camera while three scientists tried to calm it down, I could hear the boys growling so I turned off the TV.

"hey... Why don't you tell me more about hybrids?"

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