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Ink: You can literally make anything and anyone problematic if you try hard enough. Seriously give me people and things and I'll make them all "problematic" right now.

Classic: Dogs.

Ink: I don't even have to do this one because PETA did it first by insinuating domestication is inherently abusive.

Bird: The sky.

Ink: Used the trick and mock anyone who asks "what's up?" A bullying tactic.

Fresh: Super Mario Bros.

Ink: Stereotypes Italians, enforces the narrative of women who need men to rescue them, and encourages violence against turtles.

Epic: John Mulaney.

Ink: He was over on the bench and he SAW what they did to Tyler and he did NOTHING.

Blue: Omfg.

Dream: Pokemon.

Ink: Making your pets fight repeatedly is abuse, and doing it for entertainment is abuse as well.

Error: Ink.

Ink: Ink literally argued that dogs were problematic but go off I guess.

404, wiping a tear away: This is a work of art and should be recorded and sent to everyone as soon as they leave their AU so they know what they're walking into.

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