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once i get home i quickly walk into the house and try to avoid any sort of contact. i go to my room and change into a tank top and sweatpants so i'm comfier. i look outside my room and see my mom setting up the dinner table and all my other siblings gather around the table.

i quickly grab my phone and run over to the dinner table. i have five siblings so there are six of us in total. my parents have money so they have a big enough house for all of us.

(I'm just going to give you the order of the siblings.)

oldest: y/n (18)

second oldest: Kayden (brother) (16)

third: leonora (sister) (14)

fourth: Corey (brother) (10)

fifth: Andrew (brother) (6)

sixth: clementine (sister) (3)


my mom puts clementine in her high chair and everyone else sits down. my mom made pasta for dinner. as always. i start eating while scrolling through instagram. 

"y/n, put the phone down please?" my mom says kicking my leg from under the table. i roll my eyes and turn off my phone putting it down. "so how was school?" my dad asks. "it was alright. nothing special." i say shrugging my shoulders. 

"wheres vinnie?" andrew asks me. andrew and corey looked up to vinnie as if he was a superhero. and clementine was obsessed with him. they all adored him and it breaks my heart that they can't see him anymore. or they won't. 

"he's.. he's having dinner with his family," i say trying to not break down. "i miss vin vin!" corey says with a sad face. "me too corey. me too." i say looking down at my food picking at it. "y/n,  please eat." my mom says giving me a small smile.

i nod my head and take a bite of my food. i look down at my phone and see a text from Vinnie. i pray that it's something about school cause that's the only thing he texts me about really. 

"hold- hold on it's vinnie." I say grabbing my phone and immediately going to my text messages. 


facetime me. 

we don't facetime.

well, then what the hell was

with what?

you and jordan. hooking up on
the first day? 

i mean, you did the same thing with faith. 

don't bring her into this. why y/n?

why do you care? you miss me or some-

no. no i don't. you've become such a whore. 

oh really? burn in hell vinnie. 

i let out a slight sigh and get back to eating my food until i hear my phone ring. "jesus." i mumble and i turn my phone back around and see it's vinnie. "uh- corey and andrew, vinnie wants to talk to you guys!" i say forcing a smile and i hand the phone to them. corey knows how facetime works so he answers it. 

" y/n- oh! hey boys!" i hear vinnies voice. "we miss you vinnie! even y/n said she does too-" "no i did not! you know what- give me my damn- i mean dang phone." i say snatching my phone back. i quickly get up and run back to my room slamming the door. i hang up the phone and call liya so i can break down everything to her. 

"yes y/n?" she says in a tired voice. "okay, so pretty much i went over to their house... and i played a game with this new boy that they're living with. mind you, he is fine as hell! so he wanted to make him jealous so he took me to his bedroom and.....yeah." I say.

 i said kind of whispering because my whole family was still downstairs. "hold up, was he good?" liya asks propping up her camera to show her face. "hell. yes. i literally wanted to scream!" i say laughing. "tell me more tomorrow. you ruined my sleep dumbass." liya says in a sarcastic tone. 

"fine. goodnight ugly." i say sticking my tongue out. "fuck you!" she says laughing then hanging up after. i slowly walk out of my room walking to the bathroom and turning on the shower water. i walk back to my room and grab some shorts and a tank top and everything else i need and head back to the bathroom and take my shower.

jordan ;)


im in the shower hold on

so am i ;)


what? facetime me once you turn
off that shower water. 


i finish taking my shower and i facetime jordan and he picks up immediately. he props up the camera on his dresser and starts doing his hair. he has a towel on his waist and his body is still a little wet. i just stare at my phone for a little and he looks at me. "what you looking at?" he says smiling.

 "nothing- nothing." i say walking back to my room rolling my eyes. one i get to my room i put my phone flat on my bed so I can get dressed. "are you going to that party tomorrow?" i hear jordan ask. "there's a party?" i ask while putting on my shirt. "yeah, it's at our house," jordan says. "I'll be there!" i say smiling a little. 

"we're playing truth or dare once everyone gets there." he says smiling a little. "oh god. whenever that happens something bad always happens to me." i say grabbing my phone laughing. "i won't let anything happen to you." he says winking. i smile and lay down on my bed but holding the camera so he can see my face. 

"i've seen this view before..." he says getting closer to the camera. "oh shut the hell up! you're so annoying." i say rolling my eyes. "shut up because i will finger you in front of everyone at that part with no problem baby." he says in a low tone.

 I widen my eyes smiling a little. "you know what? i'm going to get some sleep. i'll see you tomorrow." i say slowly. "goodnight y/n." he says smirking. "goodnight jordan." i say hanging up the phone. i let out a loud sigh and laugh a little until leonora comes in looking confused. 

"who were you talking to? and what's fingeri-" "get OUT leonora!!" I yell getting up pushing her out of my room. "and don't tell mom what you heard or i'm beating the shit out of you." i say pointing my finger in her face. "fine! jesus!" she says slamming my door in my face. i roll my eyes and lay back down putting the covers over me drifting off to sleep. 

exes or lovers? - vinnie hacker storyWhere stories live. Discover now