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eight months later...

y/n and vinnie have been together for almost a year. they got back together a few days after graduation and they haven't been happier.

their relationship is super healthy and they spend every moment of the day with each other even if its at y/n's house. it took some time for kayden and leonora to get used to his company again but they got used to it eventually.

it's just like the old days when they were first dating, in the beginning.

but now, y/n is driving to the beach vinnie told her to go too for their eight-month anniversary. the past eight months has been the best eight months of their life.

surprisingly, even though this sounds unrealistic, they haven't had any serious arguments once. they have simple disagreements about dinner and stuff, but never about them.

it felt nice to be in a healthy relationship again after so long. and they couldn't be happier than right now.

y/n parks in the parking spaces and grabs all her things before walking onto the hot sand. "damn! hot as hell..." she mumbles and starts walking faster.

she sees vinnie standing facing towards the water and she puts her stuff next to his before calling his name. "vinnie!" she shouts and he turns around.

a smile forms on his face and starts walking towards her. she jogs towards him and jumps in his arms, holding him tightly. "hello my love." he whispers and runs one hand down her back.

she kisses him and looks at the water. "this place is gorgeous!" she smiles and vinnie nods. "it looks better with you here." he says and she laughs a little. "so handsome, why'd you bring me here?" she asks and he pulls her towards the big blanket he put down.

they lay down and y/n puts her head on his chest. "just cause i felt like it for our anniversary." he says and she nods. "you seem occupied. what's wrong?" she asks and he chuckles. "nothing is wrong, i'm just fighting the urge to rip this bikini off you." he says and she gasps.

"no! this is new! you practically tore all my lingerie and underwear. not my bathing suit." she says and looks up at him. "you're so pretty." he says and she smiles. "you are too vin." she says and he kisses her forehead.

they sit in that position a while. just watching the water and enjoying each other's company. "ya know, this doesn't feel real." he says and she hums. "hm? what do you mean?" she asks. "just being with you again. you don't know how much i missed this." he sighs.

"i think i have an idea." y/n says and gets up. "hm?" vinnie hums and sits up. "let's actually go swimming!" y/n smiles and starts walking towards the water.

she slowly walks in, gasping at the coldness. she turns around and sees vinnie standing behind her. "vinnie!" she whines and he groans, taking a step in the water.

"shit! it's so cold!" he shouts and y/n crosses her arms. "i'm literally halfway in you big baby." she says and he flips her off, making her laugh.

she takes a deep breath before diving in the water and slowly comes back up, facing vinnie.

"you're trying to get me hard." he says and looks at her body, shining in the sun. "just hurry so you won't!" she complains and he also dives in the water.

"see! not that bad." she smiles and he picks her up, making her wrap her legs around his waist and her arms go around his neck.

he kisses her and she runs her fingers though his hair. "i love you so much vinnie." she smiles. "i love you so much more" he whispers and kisses her neck.

the end.

a/n: another story finished!! thank you guys for the love on this story. i appreciate y'all so much <3

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