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another filler chapter?

third person!!

y/n lays next to jordan, out of breath from what just happened between them. " to explain why you came here?" he chuckles and she sighs as she pulls the covers over the both of them. "i just needed to get my mind off of vinnie." she sighs and he pulls her close to him. it been a few days since the whole thing with vinnie.

vinnie hasn't even bothered calling or texting her cause he knows she won't respond, little does he know that she's been sleeping with jordan again, trying to her mind off of him. "we were hanging out and a girl came to his house and told him she was pregnant with his baby. which is crazy cause we literally have a week of school left." she mumbles the last part and he raises an eyebrow.

"a week left of school and he got a girl pregnant?" he asks.

"exactly my point." she chuckles and snuggles closer to him. "so he has a week to make it up to me." she says and he nods. "does he try and call...text you?" he asks and she shakes her head. "he knows not too. i won't respond until he proves that she was lying or the baby isn't his. period." she says and he chuckles at her attitude.

"period." he copies her and she laughs at the way he said it. "but, why did you move out of their house?" she asks and he rolls his eyes. "an argument that turned into a physical fight." he says and y/n hums. "about what?" she asks.

"he was asking the boys for ideas to ask you out to prom. i told him off about how bad of a person he is...and was to you and we just got into a fight," he explains and y/n laughs. "you got into a fight over me?" she smiles and he nods. "cause i care about you in a way...ya know?" he asks and she nods.

"well, not like that...." he smiles a little and she plays with his hair. "are you ever going to forgive him?" he asks and she shrugs. "maybe." she says and he nods. "you wanna go get something to eat?" he asks and she nods with a smile. they both put their clothes back on and jordan picks up y/n, holding her legs as they wrap around his waist.

she smiles as he sits her on the counter and he opens the fridge. "what you want to eat?" he asks. "do you have any fruit?" she asks and he nods. "i'll just make a fruit platter." he says and y/n nods. she hops off of the counter and stands next to jordan. jordan asks alexa to play a song they both like and start cutting up the fruit.

they start singing together and dancing, having the time of their lives just with the two of them together. he goes behind her as shes cutting the fruits and puts his hands on her waist and his chin on her shoulder and starts swaying her hips as she's singing.

she giggles at his actions and continues to cut the fruit. they sing in harmony, enjoying each other's company as long as they can. he kisses her neck and keeps his hands on her hips. "jordan!" she smiles as he runs his hands further down her body and he chuckles.

"what?" he mumbles and she rolls her eyes. "im finished with the fruit," she says as she puts all of them on a big plate. he lets go of her waist and carries the plate to the couch. he sits on the couch and she straddles his lap. "oh?" he smirks and she grabs a grape and puts it in his mouth.

"do not think wrong..." she smirks and he eats the grape and she grabs a blanket and puts it over them. she turns on some random show and he pulls her face towards her, softly pressing his lips against hers. she kisses back and their mouths start moving together in synch and his hands wrap around her throat.

and im sure we can tell what happened next....


i am so sorry it's been like two months. i literally have like,
five tests for the past month cause school is over soon.
and ik that sounds like a lame excuse but i swear it like
beyond tiring to write at this point.

love all of you <3

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