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the next day....
third person...

it happens very fast...

after y/n texts vinnie he can come over now that she's home alone, she sits on her bed and waits for the doorbell to ring. she doesn't know how to approach vinnie when she sees him. she doesn't even know what to talk about.

all she knows is that she has to either cut things off or start talking again. she doesn't want it to be friends with benefits and she ends up wasting her time on him. she hated arguing with him in general and she didn't want to become enemies at most.

she hears the doorbell ring and she quickly gets off her bed and jogs down the stairs to the door. she opens the door and sees vinnie looking the exact same, just in a different hoodie and jeans. "come in." she softly smiles and he thanks her as he steps into the house. 

"let's go to my room," she says and they both walk back up into her room and she closes her door. he sits on the bed with his hands still in his pockets. she sits next to him and lets out a sigh. 

"so how do you want to go about this?" she asks and he doesn't reply for a while. "i don't know. i guess i just really wanted to tell you that i missed you." he says in a low raspy voice and she nods. 

"i missed you too..." she says right above a whisper and he looks at her with his droopy eyes. they both could just feel the tension building up every they looked at each other. "i missed you so fucking much..." he groans and pulls her on top of him, putting his lips on hers.

she didn't want this to happen. she knew that they would end up doing something which she didn't want, but she wanted it so badly at the same time.

she straddles his lap and pulls the hood off of his head, running her hands through his curls. his hands travel across her waist and he pulls away from the kiss. "y/n..." he whispers and she runs her hands down his chest. 

they start taking off their clothes and vinnie grabs a condom out of his jean pockets. "so you just knew this was gonna happen huh?" she asks and he smirks at her as he puts it on. "and don't you think about being on top..." she whispers as she straddles his lap again and he scoffs.

"you know i'm not a bottom-" "too bad." she cuts him off and starts kissing down his neck. "just let me be on top..." she whispers in his ear and runs her hand down his chest, giving him chills. 

he runs his hands down her sides as she slowly slides onto him and he lets out a loud sigh. he guides her as she slowly moves her hips against his.

quiet moans fall from her mouth and vinnie holds onto her waist. she starts to move faster and vinnie connects his lips with hers as her movements become faster.

"just like that..." he groans as her head falls back and he leans in, kissing her neck, leaving marks all around. "oh fuck i missed you..." he whispers in her ear and she whimpers.

"vin..." she moans as he grabs her throat, making her look at him. "look at me," he says and she does for a few seconds until he flips her over, putting her on her back and she gasps.

he starts thrusting into at a fast motion and she moans his name loudly as he keeps his hand on her throat. "oh my- god!" she moans and vinnie leans down, kissing her passionately.

he nuzzles his face in her neck, kissing all around and one of her hands reaches to his hair, running her hands through it.

he moans in her ear which immediately sends her over the edge. "vinnie!" she lets out a high-pitched moan and vinnie feels her clenching around him.

"you gonna cum? yeah?" he whispers in her ear and she nods. "go ahead." he groans and he thrusts into her a few more times before she moans his name and her legs shake around him.

he leans back up, holding her hips as he chases his own climax and once he does, he groans her name as he finishes. he pulls out and takes off the condom, throwing it in her garbage can.

"well...that was a nice talk." she whispers and she leans up, looking at him with a small smile. "right...nice talk." he chuckles and she gets up. 

once she walks into the bathroom, vinnie makes her bed and puts his bottoms back on. he goes downstairs to her kitchen and looks in the fridge. he pulls out a few things and starts cooking.

"vinnie?" y/n calls out in her room as she puts her clothes back on and she walks out of her room and sees vinnie cutting stuff downstairs, making her smile.

she walks down the stairs and vinnie smiles at her as she walks next to him. "what are you making?" she asks. "a sandwich." he says and she puts her head on his shoulder.

"you excited for graduation tomorrow?" she asks and he nods. "yup." he sighs and she smiles at him.

maybe this wasn't as bad as she thought...

a/n: sorry for not updating for like a month
i've been spending time with friends

not my best smut. i was gonna make it more freaky but nah.

two more parts of this story and it's over!!! yayyy

exes or lovers? - vinnie hacker storyWhere stories live. Discover now