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two days later...

as I'm walking down the hall, i feel someone grab my hand and pull me away. "who the hell-" "it's me, jordan p." he says whispering and i quickly turn around and i look at him confused. "what? don't you go to another school?" i ask and he sighs. 

"not the point right now, i saw vinnie kissing another girl earlier so i just wanted to tell you." he says pointing to Vinnie talking to a girl and my heart drops. i walk away from jordan towards vinnie. 

"hey vin!" i say trying to pretend like i just didn't hear he was kissing another girl. "oh, hey y/n." he says smiling and the girl slightly hits his arm. "babe." she says quietly and i raise an eyebrow.

 "babe? hold on, vinnie are you with her?" i ask crossing my arms and he shakes his head. "we aren't together. i don't know why she's calling me babe." he says and the girl scoffs. 

"listen, he was with me last night and we are talking so, i would recommend you just go." she says with an attitude and i look at vinnie on the verge of tears. "so everything you said that night was a lie?" "it wasn't i swear-" "i told my siblings we might be a thing again and they were so happy! and you do this?" i say slightly raising my voice and he looks down.

 "what is she talking about vinnie?" the girl asks and he looks at me. "keep him." i say almost breaking down and i quickly walk out of the school.

"y/n wait up!" i hear jordans voice say and i stop in my tracks. he turns me around and hugs me tightly. "he said he wanted to try again..." i say crying and jordan rubs my back. "let's just go." "where?" "the house. you can stay in my room the whole time," he says and i nod.

 we get in my car and i start driving to the house. jordan is constantly checking on me which makes me feel really safe. but i just can wrap my head around how he was saying how he wants another chance and this and that but is messing with another girl.

i told all of my siblings vinnie and i might get together and they all were so excited but leonora and kayden cause they know what happened between vinnie and i. just thinking about it make me cry even more. 

"y/n, i got you. i'll keep him away from you i promise." he says and I nod softly. i pull into the driveway quickly park. i grab my things and get out of the car with jordan. "go straight to my room when we get in while i get you something to eat." he says opening the door and i hum a yes as we walk in. i keep my head down as I walk to jordans room.

once i go into his room i put my stuff down and i sit on his bed and go on my phone. i check my messages and i get a few texts from vinnie.



im sorry

y/n im so sorry i swear

i want another chance i
didn't lie when i said that.

we arent even together we
were just talking.


i roll my eyes at the text and i see jordan come in with some chips and i smile a little. "let's watch a movie to get our mind off of him okay?" he asks walking over and I nod smiling. today might not be so bad after all...

a/n: the story is coming togetherrr

exes or lovers? - vinnie hacker storyWhere stories live. Discover now