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im sorry y/n.

vinnie please just dont 
talk to me...

can we just talk about this?

about what? there's nothing to talk about.

y/n im fucking sorry. you
have to understand. 

vinnie istg.

im coming over 

what? no?

yes i am.

oh my fucking god.

great, now i have him coming over to apologize and now i have to tell my parents. i just got out of the shower and i just want to chill out and not deal with him. 

i grunt and leave my room and walk downstairs where my family is. "mom, dad, everyone so vinnies coming over cause he said we need to talk or something." i say mumbling, and corey smiles. "wait really?! yay!" he yells jumping up and done and i sigh. "good! we miss him!" my mom says happily and I roll my eyes.

 "i don't." kayden says and my mom scrunches her eyebrows. "why?" dad asks and kayden scoffs. "do you not know what he did to y/n?" he yells and my mom gasps. "what?" dad says getting angry and theirs a knock on the door. "everyone calms down. its nothing. and shut up kayden!" i whisper yell and i walk over to the door. i open the door and see Vinnie with chocolate in his hands and i can't help but smile. 

andrew and corey come running over with the biggest smile on their faces. "vinnie!!" they both yell and give him hugs. vinnie walks in and clementine runs and hugs his leg. kayden and leonora give me the side-eye and i shrug my shoulders.

 "hey vin wassup!" my dad says and vinnie smiles. "hey!" he says back and I pull his arm. "let's just go." v mumble and he nods. 

"use protection!" kayden yells quickly. "go to hell kayden!" i yell back and i enter my room with vinnie and slam the door. "what now." i ask and he gives me the chocolate. i take it and put it on my desk. "thank you, but why do you want to talk about?" 

i ask sitting on my bed and he sits next to me. "i know we already kind of talked but i'm really fucking sorry. i just don't think Jordan is good for you.." he says sighing and I put up an eyebrow. "vinnie he's treating me better than how you did so i don't wanna hear it."

 i say rolling my eyes. "y/n, please...  i don't want you with him i want you with me. i miss you so fucking much you don't even know." he begs while taking my hand and all i can do is put my head down. "y/n..." he says lifting my chin up making myself look at him.

 "y/n i never lost feelings... and i've wanted to tell you for the longest but-" "vinnie i don't even know if i can trust you after what happened between us.." i say cutting him off and tears start forming in his eyes. "i regret it all y/n. i'm, not the same person i was before i promise. i miss you, - i- i miss us.." he says softly with tears running down his cheeks. 

i hate seeing him cry. it's like my heartbreaking and i hate it with everything in my heart. he gets up but i pull his arm. "don't leave vinnie." i say quietly and his face lightens up. i get up and give him a big hug and he wraps his hands around my waist. 

his head is nuzzled into my neck and he's rocking back and forth. "y/n! can we play with vinnie now?" andrew yells knocking on the door and i sigh. "sure just wait for a second!" i shout back and i pull away from the hug. 

i wipe the tears off of vinnies face and i smile. "now go play with the boys.. they miss you." i say and he nods. he leaves the room and i grab the chocolate and lay back down on my bed. 

do i give him another chance?

exes or lovers? - vinnie hacker storyWhere stories live. Discover now