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i wake up around eleven thirty-five and check my phone and see liya texted me not too long ago. 


were going to the mall. ill be there
at 12.00. and bring your own money. 

i didn't even say yes- 

i don't give fuckkkk 

fine. asshole.

love you too bestie! 

i slowly get up and walk over to my closet picking out my outfit:

i slowly get up and walk over to my closet picking out my outfit:

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i look at myself in the mirror and smile a little. i walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth, wash my face and i put on eyeliner, mascara, and lipgloss. i walk back to my room grabbing my phone off of the charger and i walk downstairs and see my mom making her coffee. "good morning y/n." my mom says pouring her coffee into her mug. 

"morning, i'm going out with liya in a few." i say scrolling through instagram. "okay. and what's going on with you and vinnie?" my mom says leaning on the counter near me. "we just.. aren't talking okay? just forget about him. he doesn't care." i say letting out a sigh afterward. "oh... i don't even remember why you guys broke up." my mom says taking a sip out of her mug.

 "it's better if you don't know mom." i say looking out the window. i see Liya's car pulling up and i smile. "can i have some money please?" i ask quickly. she gives a wad of cash and i thank her. she nods and i jog out of the house toward liya's car. she waves at me smiling and i smile back opening the door and hopping in. 

"tell me about this dude you slept with." she says once i close the car door. "damn! fine." i say putting on my seatbelt while she starts driving to the mall. "so, he's jordan powell-" "JORDAN POWELL? BITCH?" she says hitting my thigh. 

"what?" I say hitting her back. "do you know how popular he is at his school? even people at our school know him." she says quickly. "well, his D good asf." i say laughing. "okay okay whatever. anyway, how much money did your mom give you?" she asks

i pull the money and start counting. "two.... thousand." i say putting it away. "damn! you better give me some." she says laughing. "i'll give you the rest if i don't spend it all. i'm feeling nice today." i say smiling. 

"rare to hear coming out of your mouth. wait, what time is the party?" liya asks quickly checking her phone. "i think seven-thirty." i say looking at the party invite on my phone. "how did vinnie react to you and jordan sleeping together?" liya asks smirking. "oh he was pissed. so fucking pissed." i say laughing at the last three words. "not surprised..." she says parking the car in the mall parking lot. 

we get out of the car and walk into the mall looking around for the store where all the pretty dresses and stuff are. we walk into the store and immediately walk to the pretty dresses. we look around showing each other the dresses we choose and just having fun. 

"serious question y/n, are you in love with vinnie still?" she asks still looking at dresses. "i don't know actually.." i say sighing. "are you in love with jordan?" she asks almost laughing. "no- well, no." i say quickly. she nods her head and I know she's going to use that against me soon so let me watch my mouth. 

"i have my dress! now hurry up!" she says coming closer to me. "fine! i have my dress. let's go." i say walking to the cash register. i put my dress on the counter and she scans it. "one thousand- fifty-five." the lady says giving me a look like she knows i can't pay for it.

 i pull out my cash and give her the exact amount. she widens her eyes and i take the dress smiling. liya puts her dress on the counter. "one thousand- twenty-six." the lady says. "shit." liya mumbles. "let me pay the rest." liya gives me the money she has and I use the rest of my money to pay the rest.

 the cashier gives me some change and i immediately give it back to liya. she gives me a quick hug and takes her dress. we grab bags and put the dresses in them and walk out of the store. "we have shoes galore so we don't need shoes." liya says smiling. "right." i say. we walk out of the mall and she gives me another hug. "love you bestie." "love you too liya."     

exes or lovers? - vinnie hacker storyWhere stories live. Discover now