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y/n's pov:

"you wanna come over? the boys aren't leaving yet." he asks as we grab our stuff and u nod. we say bye to everyone as we do liya winks at me and i smile cause we are thinking the same exact thing. im not going to lie. was hoping a little to get laid tonight so let's see how this goes...

we walk out of the school with the biggest smile on our faces. i have a tiny bag of photos in my hand with all the photos people took of vinnie and me so I can frame them.

vinnie keeps slightly looking at me and looks me up and down. "what?" I ask and he chuckles. "you just look really good." he says and I thank him. right now i wish i can just time travel to his house so things can go a lot faster.

we get in his car and i buckle my seatbelt and he turns on the car. he smiles at me before starting to drive. i look out the window and look at the pretty lights coming from the city and the soft music playing from the radio. i can just feel the sexual tension in the car and it's taking everything in me not to tell him to pull over so we can do it in the backseat.

time skip

smut warning ;)

he quickly parks in his driveway and turns off the car. we grab our things and quickly get out of the car. we walk to his front door and he opens it and we both quickly walk in. we walk to the stairs and i lift up my dress so i don't fall down the stairs.

we walk into his room and he closes the door behind us then locks it. we put our stuff down and face each other. "so, what do you want to do-" he says but before he can finish i smash my lips into his and he immediately kisses me back. he pulls the straps of my dress down quickly and it falls to the floor.

he pulls away from the kiss and his eyes scan my body and he bites his lip. "fuck i missed this body." he mumbles before kissing me again then lifting me up so i wrap my legs around his waist.

he gently lays me down on the bed and leans over me. he starts kissing my neck and i whimper at the feeling. he starts kissing down to my breast and I start playing with his curls. he starts going lower and he spreads my legs. "can i?"

he asks and i nod quickly. he takes off my panties and throws them on the floor as he licks his lip. he gets closer to my core and I tug on his hair. "vinnie do something." i beg and he smiles. "so needy." he mumbles before attacking my clit with his tongue.

i gasp and my legs start to close but he pushes them back open. "o-oh fuck!" i moan as i throw my head back and I tug on his hair. he starts going faster with his tongue and i buck my hips up more onto his face and he hums. he stops for a second and looks at me.

"don't stop, please," i beg and a smirk grows on his face. he gets back to doing what he was doing before and my eyes roll in the back of my head as he slowly slides two fingers into me. "fuck yes! oh my god-" i moan and i see him smile.

i feel my high approaching and my legs start to shake. "you gonna cum? cum for me y/n." he says in a seductive tone and my back arches as i release all over his fingers. he licks his fingers and he gets up off of the bed as i sigh realizing what just happened. i seriously am about to sleep with my ex, hot ex. but am i going to complain? absolutely not.

he takes off his clothes and he grabs a condom from his dresser and quickly puts it on. and holy shit I forgot how huge this man is. i mean bigger than jordan p. I don't even know how I did this with him before. "you okay?"

he asks as he walks over to the bed and kneels in between my legs. i nod and he lines his tip up with my entrance. he slowly slides into me and i whimper at the feeling and low grunts are coming from him. i look down and he's not even all the way in yet.

"oh my god." i mumble as i see him in my fucking stomach. once he goes all the way in her starts slowly thrusting in and out of me and I moan loudly. "faster, please." i beg and he starts going as fast as he can and he throws his head back.

"holy shit!" i scream and I throw my head back. "fuck i missed this tight pussy of yours," he grunts and he puts one hand on my stomach feeling how deep he is in me. like i can see the fucking print in my stomach. he lifts one of my legs over his shoulder going in even deeper and i moan louder than ever before. 

he takes his other hand and starts rubbing small circles on my clit making me scream at this point. i feel myself clench around him and his moans become louder. "vinnie- i'm gonna c-cum!" i moan and he nods.

"cum for me then." he says and o cum all over his cock. he moans my name as he cums in the condom. he pulls out and flips me over so my back is arched and my ass is up. "fuck I missed this view." he mumbles before smacking my ass making me cry out.

i completely forgot how much of a dom he is. i feel him slam back into me and i scream into the pillow under me as i grip the sheets. he smacks my ass again and tears start falling down my cheeks. i look down and i see the imprint of his dick going up and down in my stomach. "you love when I fuck you like this huh?" he asks grabbing my hair and pulling on it making me look at him. "y-yes." I say and he smirks as he lets go of my hair.

i start seeing stars as i feel my high approaching and my legs become numb at this point. "oh fuck-" he moans and that was enough for me to cum and my jaw drops at the feeling. i'm assuming he came cause he pulled out and my weak body falls to the bed. "you okay y/n?" he asks and i nod slightly as im catching my breath.

i see him throw away the condom and he puts on his boxers then he walks into his closet. i see him bring back out a hoodie and a pair of his boxers. he flips me around and gently puts the boxers on me and he puts the hoodie on me also cause he can tell I cant move currently.

i gather up all my strength and sit up so i can go pee. "i'll be back." i say quietly and he nods. i slowly get up but i wobble a little cause i literally just got railed and thank got he has his own bathroom. i slowly walk into the bathroom and i hear vinnie quietly laughing behind me. "stop laughing." i mumble and he laughs even harder.

"what's so funny?" i ask as i sit on the toilet and he smiles. "maybe cause your limping." he says and i flip him off. "don't have me rail you again." he says leaning against the door frame and i roll my eyes. "whatever," i mumble and fli ush the toilet and walk to the sink.

"im using your decoration towels." i say drying off my hands and he scoffs. "fine," he mumbles and I slowly walk back into the room. i lay down on the bed slowly and o put the covers over me before he lays down next to me and i scoot closer to him. i lay on his chest and he wraps his arms around me.

"are you sure your okay?" he asks looking down at me and o nod again. he lifts my face up with his hand and kisses me. o kiss him back as he caresses my cheek. "you should get some sleep." he says gently and i shake my head. "can we watch a movie? our comfort movie?" i ask and he smiles. "you remembered?" he asks and o nod. "okay, coraline it is." he says grabbing the remote and turning on the tv.

a/n: i told yall the smut was coming soon lol

i hate writing smut- but reading it is a different story 😩

but idk if i want y/n and vinnie to get back together orrr...

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