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third-person <3

it's the last day of school, seniors are taking photos and talking about their graduation ceremony in two days. "ya know, i'm decorating my graduation cap." y/n smiles and liya nods in agreement. 

"me too! i can't believe this is finally over." liya sighs and runs her fingers through her hair as she picks up her backpack. "so, is jordan coming to the graduation?" she asks and y/n shakes her head. "

"the one for his school is the same day as hours." y/n says as liya types something on her phone. "vinnie is coming over here." liya mumbles and y/n sighs. "i knew this was coming sooner or later...not even surprised," she says as vinnie walks over to them, hands in his hoodie pockets and his hood is on.

"can we talk?" he asks and y/n nods and gets up. they walk in the hallway and y/n leans against the lockers. "sooo..." she drags out the word as she looks at her newly done nails. "she proved the baby isn't mine. she just wanted us to stop talking." he says and y/n raises an eyebrow.

"you for real?" she asks and he nods. "i know you have a thing with jordan. i saw the tiktoks and stuff. i was going to ask if you wanted to try again but nevermind." he says, shrugging his shoulders and walks away.

"vinnie wait..." she sighs and cracks her knuckles out of habit. he stops in his tracks and quickly turns around. "we can try again. just come over to my house tomorrow and we can talk." she says and he nods with a small smile then walks back into the classroom.

" too tired for this," she mumbles to herself and walks back into the classroom soon after vinnie did. "im so happy im leaving this school for good. this place is hell." y/n laughs to maddy and liya. 

"me too! and i don't have to see half of these fake bitches again." maddy smirks and y/n nods and looks over at vinnie talking to kio and jordan h. "what did vinnie say to you?" liya asks and y/n sighs.

"the girl proved the baby wasn't vinnies. she just wanted to make us stop talking cause she was mad." y/n explains and they both scoff. "she mad cause i can pull the finest boy in the entire school. not my fault im fine as hell." y/n mumbles.

"liya and maddy laugh at her attitude and look over at the girl that pretended her baby was vinnies. "i will knock that hoe out. knock her out flat. got me fucked up...triple fucked up." y/n laughs.

"maddy and liya gasp for air as their laughing at how y/n is talking about the whole thing and y/n keeps rambling on. "okay y/n, we get it." liya smiles, and y/n takes a deep breath. "im about to walk into that stage and imma be the finest bitch." y/n fixes her shirt and rolls her eyes playfully as she looks at the girl that she hates.

"and now she looking over here. if she wanna talk, she can say it to my face. it's the last day of school i will knock a bitch out. y/n mumbles and punches her hand. "and vinnies dic-" "alright y/n.." liya says, covering her mouth and y/n smiles.

"alright alright. but, what did you say to vinnie afterward?" maddy asks. "i told him he can come over to my house tomorrow so we can talk things out." y/n says and liya rolls her eyes. "you know damn well yall gonna end up fuckin." she says with a smile and y/n shakes her head.

"no! i will not. i don't got time for that." y/n crosses her arms and crosses her legs. "dezi still in new york?" maddy asks and y/n nods. "she will be here for graduation." y/n sighs and she grabs her backpack as the bell rings, signaling for the kids its dismissal.

"the last time im going to be walking down this hallway to leave." maddy sighs and puts her head on y/n's shoulder. "i know...but you know maddy and i take the bus and you usually walk." liya frowns. "but we are gonna see each other like tomorrow anyway for dinner! then the next day for graduation!" y/n says, making them feel better.

"you right. well, see you tomorrow!" maddy says and they all give each other a big hug before walking their separate ways. y/n walks out the building's side doors and starts walking back home to her house.

how she has to think about how she's going to talk to vinnie without getting wild.


my last day of school was yesterday, thank god.
so i will be updating more if i have ideas. but anyway..

i lowkey wanna write smut for the next chapter,
but i don't know. i would have to plan it all out-

i forgot to mention, i saw a tiktok and it was showing
vinnie hacker stories on wattpad, and this one was on there.

so i commented, "bye i saw my story" and someone asked
which one, so i told them so now a few people might know
what i look like, but that's okay.

but anyway, i love you all <33

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