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as i walk into my house i see my parents sitting on the couch staring at me. "where were you." my dad states in a stern voice and i sigh. "i was a vinnies." i mumble. "and what did you guys do?" he asks and i gulp. "we played video games." i say and my dad points to my neck. 

"then what's that?" he asks and my heart drops but I stay silent. "is that a hickey?" my mom asks walking over and my dad nods. "it's nothing okay! let me do what I want." i say and I rush up to my room. 

i quickly close the door behind me and i speed over to my mirror and look at my neck. this man is like a leach. there are so many too. "i'm going to kill him." i mumble before putting all my stuff down that i had at vinnies house on my bed and i pull out my phone and i facetime him. he answers pretty quickly and he smiles once he sees my face.

"what's up?" he asks and i move the camera to my neck. "you're a fucking leach." i say and he laughs. "i just couldn't contain myself." he says and i roll my eyes. "i'll come over tomorrow since we have no school." i say and he nods. 

"sounds good to me, and the boys won't be home so." he says then he smirks. "oh no, your gonna have to beg for it." i say and he rolls his eyes. "sure." he says and i smile. "i'll call you later vin, i have to clean my room." i say sighing and he nods. "okay, see ya!" he says and i wave as i hang up. 

i get up off of my bed and i put my dress away and i put my crown on my dresser. i grab the photos and i grab some empty frames in my closet and i sit at my desk and start framing them. im planning on giving some of them to vinnie tomorrow.

 as im framing them my phone starts to ring and i grunt loudly as i look and see liya is calling me in a group facetime with dezi and maddy. i prop up my phone as i join the call and i focus back on framing the photos. 

"hey y/n, what are you doing?" maddy asks and i look up. "framing the prom photos." i say smiling and i grab another photo. it's the one where we were on the stage and vinnie kissed me in front of everyone. a smile grows on my face as i look at the photo and i put it in the pretty frame. 

one year before...
third person.

"hey babe come here!" y/n shouts to her boyfriend with the biggest smile on her face and he smiles back as he walks over. "yes love?" vinnie asks and y/n holds his hand while sitting on the couch together. "okay so, prom is next year. and i have an idea!" she says with pure excitement and vinnie nods. "so, we are going to wear red, matching!" y/n says and vinnie agrees. "cause we are going to be together forever right?" he asks and y/n nods. "of course! cause i love you and your mine!" y/n says before tackling vinnie with kisses and he smiles at how adorable his girlfriend is. both of them hoping, this relationship will never end.    

end of flashback.                     

"y/n you okay?" i hear Liya shout and i snap out of my thoughts. "yeah? sorry i was just zoned out." i say before getting back to doing what i was doing in the first place and i let out a sigh. "oh, i forgot to tell you maddy and dezi, when i came to pick up y/n from vinnies place, i walked into them making out in the bathroom." liya explains and maddy and dezi gasp. 

" yall slept together?" dezi asks and a smirk grows on my face. "um...yeah." i say and Maddy starts screaming dramatically. "you guys are so dramatic." i say and Liya laughs. "oh you so in love again, i know it." she says and i feel my face heat up. "i wouldn't say im in love, i might be falling for him again." i say and maddy rolls her eyes. "y/n that's the same thing." she says and i laugh. "but it's not like love, yet," i say as i put some of the frames in the corner of my desk. 

but they are right, maybe i am in love with him again.

a/n: kinda short, sorry.

new book up though! :)                                                                                                              

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