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the day after...
vinnies pov:

"alright, boys i need your help!" i shout from the living room and everyone comes out of their room. "with what?" kio asks and i hold up a blank poster board. "i want to ask y/n out to prom but i don't know how, or what to write." i say and they walk over towards me. 

"well first let's buy some roses." "then some candy!" "buy her favorite candy." "get her a card too." "make sure you write neatly." "but don't write one of those cheesy ones." everyone starts talking at once and giving ideas and i sigh.

"everyone shut the fuck up and let's sit down and do this?" i shout and everyone sits down on the couch with me.  "maybe, scratch the board and just buy her a bunch of stuff." jordan p says and I nod.

"buy like a basket or something and put all the stuff in there." kio says and i pull out my wallet. "dude prom isn't for like...wait how many days?" "three days-" "three days?!" i shout and they all start laughing. 

"i have to buy a suit, i have to buy new shoes, i have to buy all the stuff, i have to think about what to say-" "calm the fuck down, you have time." baby j says reassuring me and i sigh. "what if someone asks her before me?" i ask and they all scoff. "nobody will. and if they do she will say no." jordan p says and I roll my eyes.

"says the one who fucked her the first day they met." "says the one who hurt her physically and mentally." he snaps back and i turn around. "you motherfu-" "someone here!" baby jay says looking at the window. 

we hear the doorbell ring and I give Jordan the side-eye before walking over to the door and i open it. "i brought my controllers!" y/n says smiling and i gasp. "y/n!" i say and she hugs me. "who is it?" kio asks and she walks in with her hands up like the badass she is. they all run over to her and give her a hug. "i'm going to beat you all in call of duty!" she shouts walking over to the couch and sooner than later they all start arguing. 

i sit down next to y/n and she turns on the ps4. "yall need to get a ps5." she says and i roll my eyes. "buy it for us then." baby j says and she smiles. "bet, i will." she says and he smiles. "ayeee." he says and I grab a controller. "i'm gonna beat your ass in this game." i say and she laughs. "sure vin." she says laying down on my lap and we start playing.

y/n's pov:

i look up at vinnie for a second and damn he's hot. i mean he never wasn't hot but right now, he looks really hot. he has a black bandana on, his curls are slightly covering his eyes and his face just looks perfect. he looks down at me and smiles. 

"enjoying the view?" he says and i squint my eyes. "kind of." i say and I look back at the tv. "i know you do, don't lie." he says with an attitude and i laugh a little. "don't get cocky." i say and he tickles my stomach. "vinnie!" i squeal and he laughs. "you're going to make me die in this game! i swear to god vinnie-" "if you two don't stop making me feel single." kio cuts me off complaining and i look at him confused. 

"were both single?" i say and he winks. "oh my god." i say rolling my eyes and i kill him in the game. "y/n!" kio shouts and i smirk. "karma." i say and he crosses his arms pouting. "y/n is cheating!" "she's not cheating you just suck." jordan h says and I thank him. "wheres jordan p?" i ask and they all point to his room.

"what happened?" "he and vinnie almost got into a fight earlier again and he must have stormed off." baby j says and I nod. "the boys are fighting.." I mumble and they laugh. "and where aaron?" "he's spending the weekend with his family." vinnie says and I nod. 

ten minutes later...

"beat all of yall! what did i say?" i say getting off of vinnie and i start walking around the house. "oh please." vinnie says getting up and walking towards me. "don't you dare!" i shout backing up in from him and he throws me over his shoulder and starts dancing. 

"are you guys going to help or what?!" i shout but i'm also laughing at the same time. "nope, just going to post you guys being all cute..." kio says and he starts recording us. "vinnie let me down right now!" i shout while hitting his back and he laughs.

 he puts me down and he kisses me on the forehead. my phone starts ringing and i see it's kayden. "hold on, it's kayden." i say to vinnie and he nods. i answer and I hear yelling. "what now?" i ask and he's breathing heavily. "come home, the little kids are going fucking crazy!" he shouts and i roll my eyes. 

"fine. i'm coming back." "wait! where are you?" "vinnies house." "that asshole vin-" "i'm coming!" i shout cutting him off and I hang up. "i have to go. these kids bro." i say grabbing my controller and i walk over to vinnie. "I'll text you later," i say then i kiss him on the cheek and he smiles. 

a/n: hey yall! the way i want to punch my math teacher across her musty ass face-

but anyway so um, i have an idea for this story but its a surprise

well not rlly

its kinda basic but idk

thank you for 1.3k😎


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