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the day after...

i walk onto vinnies doorstep and i knock on the door hard. i came here right before my parents woke up cause i'm sure they know who gave me this hickey. "y/n!" vinnie says excitedly as he opens the door and engulfs me in a hug and lifts me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist. 

"hey vinnie." i say and he kisses me and i immediately kiss him back. "you said the boys are gone right?" i ask and he nods as he walks us inside closing the door behind him.

he walks towards the stairs and i smile knowing where hes taking me. "you missed me?" i ask and he nods. he walks into his bedroom and locks the door. he throws me on the bed making me giggle as he leans over me and starts kissing my neck. i sit up and he scrunched his eyebrows making me laugh.

 "i told you, you going to have to beg for it." i say and he rolls his eyes. "please?" he begs and i shake my head. "that's not enough, baby," i say in a teasing manner and he grunts. 

"please y/n, i need you so bad." he begs and i smirk then i take off my jeans and he smirks. then i lean in closer to his ear. "good boy." i whisper in his ear and he gulps. i push him over so hes laying on his back and I straddle him then his eyes widen. 

"you know im, not a sub-" "deal with it, or i stop. do you want me to stop?" i ask and he shakes his head. "that's what i thought." i say smirking and he rolls his eyes. "now, what do you want?" i ask and he sighs. "you know what i want." he says and I smile. "you want me to leave? okay then." i say getting up off him but he pulls my arm. "fine." he says and i smirk as i straddle him again. "i want you to ride me, please." he says and I smirk. 

"you can wait till next time." i say getting off of him and his jaw drops. "what?" he asks in disbelief and i giggle. "you can wait, let's play some video games," i say grabbing the controllers off his dresser and he stares at me in shock. 

"two can play that game," he mumbles and I wink. i toss him a controller and he catches it giving me a stern look and i look at the very visible bulge in his pants. "oops." i say sitting down next to him and he scoffs. "let's play madden." I say and he nods. 

a little later...

vinnie looks at me before spreading my legs with his hand and he puts his controller down. i smirk and he rolls his eyes at me. he lays in between my legs and rips my panties making me gasp. 

"vincent!" "i'll buy you new ones." he mumbles before running his fingers up and down my folds making me whimper. "don't you think about putting down that controller, i want you to keep playing. im watching." he says in a stern voice and I nod. 

"and don't make a sound," he says before he attacks my clit with his tongue making me buck my hips up and i bite my lip trying to hold in my moans. i'm trying to focus on the game as i feel vinnies eyes on me but it's really hard due to the amount of pleasure.

he slowly slides so fingers into me, pushing me over the edge and I throw the controller down and i let out a loud moan, not caring about my consequence. 

"i told you not to make any noise." he says removing his finger from my heat and i whimper at the loss of touch. "im sorry-" "you were being a bad girl, and bad girls get punished. he says laying me down on the bed and leans above me. this is going to be a while...

a/n: lol, cliffhanger...kinda

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