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the next day...
y/n's pov:

"where vinnie?" i ask the girls and they shrug their shoulders. "i saw him walk into the back with the rest of the boys." liya says and i squint my eyes. "what are they doing?" i ask turning around towards the back door and i hear some yelling from outside. "let's go." i tell them and they nod.

 we walk outside to school to the back and there's a lot of people there and i see vinnie talking to the rest of the boys and i smile. "vinnie! i haven't seen you all day-" i say but i stop once he turns around and there's a huge bruise on his face. 

my hand flies over my mouth as i gasp and he gives me a small smile. "oh my god..." dezi mumbles and the other girls gasp. "so y/n, don't mind this thing on my face, i'll tell you later..." he says and i get closer to him to get a better look. "so i heard you don't have a date to prom." he says and i start smiling bigger than ever. 

is he really about to ask me to prom?!

"and i was asking if you wanted to go too..." he says and the rest of the boys turn around and hold up posters that spell P R O M ? on it and my jaw drops but i quickly cover my mouth. "with me?" he asks and i nod. "yes! yes, i will go to prom with you!" 

i say and everyone starts clapping and cheering. i walk up to him and give him a big hug. he holds me tightly and he sighs. "im so happy you said yes." he says and i look up at him.  

"and im happy you asked me, but your cheek..." i say and he lets go of our hug. "jordan, p" he says and i scrunch my eyebrows. "what do you mean?" i ask and he sighs. "when the boys and i were talking jordan came out of his room talking a lot of shit and i lost it and i punched him. he punched me back, we got into a little fight. he hit me pretty hard." he explains and softly touch his cheek. 

"are you okay?" i ask and he nods. "don't worry about me y/n." he says and I shake my head. "you need ice vin-" "im okay. now get home and put on a beautiful dress for me." he says and i smile. "only for you," i say and he hugs me before i walk away with the girls and they all are asking me questions about vinnie and i. 

"wait so like you guys are back together?" dezi asks and I hit her shoulder. "if we were, i would have told you guys." i mumble and they laugh. "so you going to invite him over after prom orrrr?" liya says and I roll my eyes. "no." i say and Liya gasps dramatically.

"i know you miss getting down and dirty with hi-" "liya i swear to god." i say laughing as i cut her off and she smirks at me. "i will pick you guys up around six!" dezi says as we all go our own ways and we agree. i walk up to my house and i quickly put in the key and open the door. "hi y/n!" kayden says waving and i wave back as i close the door behind me. 

"you got a date for prom?" my mom asks and I nod. "who?" my dad asks and i smile a little. "vinnie asked me." i say and kayden's face drops. "are you fucking serious?" kayden asks and i look at him confused. "you're seriously going to dance with him like he didn't do anything?" he shouts and i roll my eyes.

 "let her do what she wants kayden." leonora says and i nod. "thank you! vinnie has changed and he proved it multiple times-" "bullshit!" kayden shouts and i scoff. "don't have me tell mom and dad what he did to you!" he yells and my mom and dad look at me. "nothing happened! and stop being so protective! now leave me alone and let me get ready for prom." i say harshly and kayden rolls his eyes and i storm into my room.

i quickly grab my dress and some red heels and i walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower water. i take out my makeup and i put it on the sink so when i get out of the shower im ready to do everything quickly.

time skip to after the shower cause im lazy

once i get out of the shower i wrap my towel around my body and i start drying myself off. i can't believe im about to go to prom with my ex. i mean we always talked about going together before we broke up but now it's happening, but we weren't together.

i kind of wished we were together for this prom, but at least he still asked me. we even planned what colors to wear. he said he would wear a red tuxedo and i would wear a red dress. that's the reason why i got the dress, cause i still remember. i could never forget.

i slowly put on my dress and it fits perfectly. i spin and smile at how pretty and flowy the dress is and how soft it is. i put on my heels and then i open my makeup pallet. i'm just going to do red eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, and some lipgloss. nothing extravagant cause it's only prom. 

i finish putting on my makeup and i take one last look in the mirror as i do my hair (however you want to depending on your hairstyle)  quickly cause im not doing anything too special. i just hope vinnie is wearing red. it would make my night ten times better if he was wearing red. if i walk into the room and if i see him wearing red I will take him back right then and there...maybe...

once i finish doing my hair i put away all my makeup and i grab my phone as i walk out of my room. i walk back into my room and i grab my purse and i put some money in it and i also put my lipgloss in it. i close my purse and i walk out of my room and everyone's eyes go onto me. "awww!" my mom says and i smile.

 "wow.." my dad says as i walk down the stairs and leonora starts clapping. "you look pretty!" andrew and corey say and i thank them. "pretty!" clementine shouts and i blow her a kiss. i get a text from dezi saying she is outside with maddy and liya and i say goodbye to my family before walking out of the house and i walk over towards the car.

 "oh my god y/n you look stunning!" liya says and i smile. "you all look amazing." i say and they thank me. "you and vinnie are so winning prom king and queen!" maddy says and I gasp. 

i completely forgot about prom king and queen.

a/n: i'll finish writing the prom later :)

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