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about twenty minutes later, vinnie walks in out of breath and is smiling. "you had fun with them?" i ask and he nods. he lays down next to me on the bed and starts watching what's on my tv. "you like jordan?" he asks and i sigh.

 "i don't know." i say shrugging my shoulders and he sighs. "he told me the other day that he knew that i had feelings for you and he doesn't want to get in between us." he says and i look at him confused. "really?" i ask in shock and he nods.

 "oh, okay then!" i say shrugging my shoulders and i go back on my phone. "but aren't you talking to someone?" i ask and he shakes his head. "i broke up with her a long time ago. i wasn't happy." he says quietly and i put my phone down and get on top of him. i smash my lips into his and he kisses me back quickly. "i missed your kisses." he says in between the kiss and i smile a little. 

we hear a knock on the door and we both grunt loudly. i quickly get up and open the door and see leonora holding her homework. "can you help me?" she asks and i roll my eyes. "ask kayden, not me." i say closing the door in her face and vinnie laughs a little. "you're mean." he says and i smile. "its what I do best." i say and he looks at me up and down. 

"vinnie, i know what your about to say but my siblings are home. they're going to our grandma's tomorrow so you can come over then and maybe-" "okay that's all i need to hear. now come here." he says cutting me off and I walk over then gat back on top of him. 

we start kissing again for a whole then I hear andrew yell, "mommy and daddy are home!" and i get off of Vinnie and sit down next to him cause i know my parents are going to come in. not too soon after i hear a knock on my door then my parents come in. 

"what have you two been up too?" my mom asks and vinnie and I look at each other. "talking." we say at the same time and my mom looks at me squinting her eyes. "are you sure-" "yes mom now can you like...leave?" i ask cutting her off and they leave the room.

 "so um, off-topic but...have you thought about it?" he asks and i put up an eyebrow. "what do you mean?" "you know, about us?" "oh, about that... um. i mean I'm down but i still need a little time." i say and he nods. "i just want you to be mine again." he says bringing me closer to him and i smile. "let's just take things slow okay?" i ask and he nods. 

time skip...

"vinnie look at this-" i say before looking up at him and i see that he's sleeping like an angel. "aww." i say quietly and i kiss his forehead. i snuggle onto him more and i close my eyes and drift off to sleep in his arms.

a/n: sorry this is short, im going to try and update cause now instead of my school being hybrid now its five days a week again so now i have like no time to even work on the stories but i will try 

and thank you for 500 reads !!! <3

exes or lovers? - vinnie hacker storyWhere stories live. Discover now