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"y/n can you pay attention to the movie?" 'iya whispers as im on my phone texting vinnie. "i am." i mumble as im tapping away at my phone and i hear her scoff. It's been a few days since i left vinnies house. currently, hes working on "things" but he won't tell me what they are, but i'm not worried. 

"stop texting him! you'll see him soon." maddy whisper yells and i roll my eyes. "shush. he said he'll see me tomorrow." i whisper and she slightly hits my arm making me slightly gasp. "the movie's over anyway." i say and Maddy ignores me. 

the past few days i've either been on the phone with vinnie or texting him. no matter where i am and it annoys the girls but i don't care that much. "y/n let's go." liya says grabbing my arm and i roll my eyes. 

"wait-" "stop texting him! you will see him tomorrow.'" dezi says taking my phone and i snatch it back as we exit the building. "no. i'll text him all I want-" i say facing forward but i see vinnie getting out of his car with the biggest smile on his face. 

"vin?" i yell and he opens his arms. "oh my god." i hear maddy mumble but i ignore her as i start running towards him. "i missed you!" i say with the biggest smile on my face as i jump in his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and he holds my back. "i missed you too," he says kissing my forehead and i hold him tightly. 

"i thought you were going to see me tomorrow?" i ask and he smirks. "i wanted to surprise you, cause i knew you were coming here so i put everything down to see you," he says as he puts me down and i hug him. 

"you have no idea how much i missed you," i mumble into his chest and i hear him chuckle. "i think i know how much. but, i have something for you." he says pulling away from the hug and i nod. "what's going on?"

 liya asks and i see maddy and dezi walking behind her. "so i got you this." he says turning around with a huge bouquet of flowers and my jaw drops but i quickly hide it by flinging my hand over my mouth. "awee vinnie!" i say smiling as i take the flowers and he brings his body close to mine. he lifts my chin up and softly puts his lips on mine. 

"oaky y/n, we're leaving." liya says pulling my arm, separating vinnie and i's kiss. " hey!" i shout and vinnie bursts out laughing. "you guys are so annoying!" i yell as i start throwing a tantrum. "you are obsessed with him i swear to god."

 dezi says opening the car door and liya forces me in the car. "can you let me see my boyfriend?" i ask but my hand flies over to cover my mouth once i realize what Ii just said. 

did i really just say, BOYFRIEND?

"boyfriend?" all of them yell at the same time and i gulp. "i didn't mean boyfriend, i meant friend...that's a boy." i say and maddy crosses her arms. "sure y/n. and speaking of, your boyfriend is here." she says putting one hand out and vinnie comes next to her. "boyfriend hm?" he asks and my face heats up.

 "i didn't mean to say, boyfriend. i don't know where that came from." i mumble and he smiles. "you wanna come over-" "no she can't, we are having a GIRLS day." dezi says and she pushes vinnie away. 

"you guys are so mean!" i say closing the door in their face and they all laugh. they are so controlling. i'm definitely sneaking out later to see him. 

sometime later...

"let's take this off." he mumbles as he stands between my legs as im sitting on the bathroom counter and he lifts my shirt above my head, throwing it somewhere. our lips collide again as his hands travel down my body as i pull him closer to me. 

long story short, the girls and i were watching this random show, and when they fell asleep i quickly left. yes, i know it's messed up just to leave them but i've missed this man so much, i don't even care like that. 

"we have to be quick." he says quickly and i nod as he starts kissing down my neck and i whimper at the feeling. "vinnie we're home!" a muffled voice says with a knock on the door and vinnie and i gasp. 

"shit, hold on!" vinnie yells as we put our clothes quickly back on. vinnie quickly walks over to the door and opens it to reveal kio standing there with a handful of snacks. "did i interrupt something?" he asks slowly backing up and i roll my eyes. 

yes, yes you did Kio...always fucking shit up.

"uh, yeah you did." vinnie says leaning against the door frame and Kio sighs. "sorry, but i was going to ask if you guys wanted to watch a movie?" he asks holding out the snacks and i cross my arms.

 "fine." vinnie and i mumble at the same time and Kio nods. "see you downstairs!" he says with a smile on his face and i shake my head. "maybe next time?" vinnie asks me and i scoff. "let's just watch this movie." i mumble pushing past him and i have a feeling he rolled his eyes at me. 

"don't roll your eyes at me vincent!" i yell as i keep watching and he doesn't respond for a few seconds. "how did you-" "shut up." i say and I hear him laugh as i smile a little. 

exes or lovers? - vinnie hacker storyWhere stories live. Discover now