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*time skip too one hour before the party*

"liya hurry up! i need to take my shower oh my god!" i yell banging on the bathroom door. "i'm done! wait!" she yells back. i roll my eyes and lean on the wall next to the door. i'm currently at liya's house getting ready with her.

she lives alone so i would rather get ready here than a house full of kids. i hear the shower water turn off and i barge in. "okay, get ready in your room and i'll get ready in here." i say walking in. 

"can you wait? you're lucky i put my towel on beforehand," she says in an annoyed voice. "i give zero fucks. now let me take my shower." i say grabbing my towel and hanging it on the shower rod. she walks out closing the door and i turn on the shower water. 

*skip to after the shower.*

"jordan is calling you!!" liya says while i'm putting on my dress. "give me the phone," i say putting my hand out. she gives me the phone and i answer the phone quickly. "wassup y/n!" jordan says smiling. "hey jordan." i say smiling back. i look at liya and she has her hand over her mouth laughing. i roll my eyes and look back at the phone. i put my phone flat on the counter and i slide on the rest of my dress.

 "you look good as hell!" liya says crossing her arms nodding her head. "you look even better." i say smiling. she giggles and looks at my phone. 

"who's that you talking to?" he asks. "you'll meet her at the party." i say. "let me see the dress your wearing." "nope. surprises only," i say laughing. i see him roll my eyes while smiling. "i'll see you at the party pretty lady." he says winking. "see ya." i say smiling. he hangs up and i let out a big sigh. 

"you ready?" liya asks. "let's go." i say smiling. we grab everything we need and head out the door getting in liya's car. "bro i cannot wait to see vinnie's face when you walk in. he's going to be fucking speechless!" liya says laughing.

 "oh i know. he's going to be so jealous when i get crazy drunk and dancing up on jordan." i say looking out the window. "i won't get drunk. because i know i'm going to need to take you home." "thanks. were playing truth or dare once we get there jordan said or something like that."

"omg. imagine vinnie says something dumb to expose you." "then i'll expose him. he has no idea what i could expose him about." i say laughing. "holy damn there's a lot of cars out here..." liya says parking on the side of the road. "i know..." 

i say grabbing all my stuff. we get out of the car and walk toward the front door that's wide open. when we walk in there's a disco ball, all different colors coming from the ball, loud ass music and so many people.

 "y/n!" jordan says jogging over. i smile and he hugs me holding my curves. "oh, this is your friend, hm?" he asks looking at liya. 

"i'm liya, nice to meet you." she says smiling. "nice to meet you liya." jordan says smiling. i look at liya and i know she's drooling over him. "alright! were playing truth or dare!" kio yells from across the room. 

we walk over and sit down on the couch. jordan sits me down on his lap and i smile a little lowkey embarrassed. "alright. jordan, truth or dare?" dezi asks jordan. "truth." he says pulling me closer. "is it true you lost your virginity at sixteen?"

 she asks about to laugh. "yeah?" he says putting an eyebrow up. dezi nods her head with a small smile and takes a sip of her drink. "liya truth or dare?" i ask liya. "truth!" she says quickly. "is it true that.... you went to school high?" i ask. "hell yeah! and i don't regret it." she says crossing her arms. we all let out a laugh and I see Vinnie staring at me.

 "vinnie. truth or dare?" kio asks him. "dare." he says still looking at me. "i dare you to kiss the hottest girl in this circle." Kio says smiling. vinnie grabs devy's face and kisses her." he pulls away and smiles. kio nods his head and laughs. 

"y/n. truth or dare." vinnie asks me looking dead in my soul. "truth." i say. "is it true that you slept with jordan the day you met him?" vinnie asks now looking at Jordan. "yup. and i would do it again because hes much better than you in bed." i say smirking. jordan runs his hands down my curves looking at vinnie trying to make him jealous. "didn't you flirt with kio while we were dating?" he says tilting his head. 

"didn't you fuck faith the day after our anniversary?" i say leaning forward. "that's why your other ex would beat your ass everyday bitch." he says getting up and pretends that hes going to hit me and i flinch turning around and holding onto jordan tightly. 

"what the hell man?" jordan (h) says getting up and pulling vinnie away. i look at what's going on and vinnie has a look of guilt on his face. "im- im sorry i wasnt thinking-" "go away vinnie!" liya says getting up and pushing him. he turns around with his head down and walks away. "i got you baby." jordan says holding me tightly. 

liya rubs my back and i automatically feel safer. "come on. let's forget that asshole and let's have some fucking fun!" liya says pulling my arm. i get up and she brings me to the bar and starts having a few shots. 

exes or lovers? - vinnie hacker storyWhere stories live. Discover now