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I wake up around ten and I shift my body as I feel vinnies arms pull me closer. "good morning y/n." he mumbles in his sleepy voice and I immediately get butterflies everywhere. "good morning vinnie." I say and he kisses me on the cheek. 

"you wanna go get breakfast?" he asks and I nod. I move off the bed but once I try and stand up my knees buckle and I almost fall to the floor. "shit." I mumble as I sit back down on the bed and I hear vinnie chuckle. "let me help you." he says before getting off the bed and picking me up bridal style. he holds walks over to the door and I unlock it and open it for him. 

he walks down the stairs and I hold on to him. "hey y/n!" I hear kio shout and I wave at him. everyone says hi and I say hi back. "you can't walk?" Aaron asks me and I shake my head. "oh you don't want to know." vinnie says and they all start fake gagging and I laugh. he sits me on the kitchen counter and he opens the fridge. 

"I'll make your favorite." he says grabbing a ton of fruits. "wait-" "the fruit thing you would make all the time? yeah im making that." he says smiling at me and I smile back. "you really remember everything?" I ask and he nods. "how could I?" he asks and I shrug my shoulders. 

he starts cutting the fruits and im watching his every move making sure he does it right. "that's not how you cut it." I say pointing to what he's doing wrong and he sighs. "how do you cut it then?" he asks handing me the knife. 

I start showing him what to do and he puts his chin on my shoulder. I hand him back the knife and he starts cutting it right. "good." I say and he smiles at me. I notice his bruise on his cheek and it looks more purple. I get off the counter slowly so I don't fall over and I slowly walk over to the fridge and open the freezer. I grab an ice pack and I hold it on his face. "you don't have to." he says and I shake my head. "it looks really bad vin." I say and he sighs. "you wanna go to the skate park tomorrow?" he asks and I nod. 

"but I don't have any clothes." "you left some of your clothes here so you can wear those.." he says as he starts plating all the fruits. "oh, okay." I say and he takes the ice pack from my hand and puts it down.

"does it look good?" he asks pointing to the plate with a ton of fruits laid out on it. "yes it does, you did amazing." I say hugging him and he picks me up then I wrap my legs around his waist. "awww!" Jordan h shouts and I giggle as vinnie gives him the middle finger. vinnie sits me on the counter and puts the fruits next to us. 

"I'll get a bath running for you." he says and I grab his arm. "why? you don't have to." "y/n you can barely stand right." he says and I roll my eyes. "I can stand just fine-" i say jumping off of the counter and my knees buckle again almost sending me to the floor before he lifts me back up on the counter. "see?" he says and I sigh.

 "fine." I say stuffing fruit in my mouth and he kisses my forehead before walking away. I see all the other boys get up and walk towards me. "so why can't you walk?" Aaron asks and my eyes widen. "as vinnie said, you don't wanna know." I say and they laugh. "so im assuming prom night was good for you huh?" baby j asks and I nod. 

"y/n your bath is done!" vinnie shouts coming down the stairs and I get off of the counter slowly. "see! I can walk!" I say slowly walking over to him and he smiles. "you can't walk as fast though." he says and I roll my eyes.

vinnies pov:

I look at y/n walking up the stairs and she's taking one step at a time. literally. "let me help you." I say laughing as I walk towards her on the stairs. "I don't need your help." she says but I pick her up anyway. 

"vincent!" she shouts and she hits my chest hard but I ignore her. I open the bathroom door and I close it behind me with my foot. I sit here on the sink and she just stares at me. "what?" I ask and she smiles. "nothing." she says looking the other way and I smile. "let's take these off." I say as I take my hoodie off of her and she takes off the boxers I gave her.

I lower her in the bathtub and she sighs as the water hits her skin. "call my name when you're done okay?" I ask and she nods then she closes her eyes. I walk out of the bathroom and the boys are already playing games. 

"wait for me!" I say quickly walking down the stairs and I jog over to them. I grab a controller and we start playing. "so, are you two getting back together?" Kio asks and I shrug my shoulders. "it's up to her. she knows that I want us back together so..." I say still focusing on the video game.

 "she seems so happy. " baby j says and I nod. "she does, so im hoping she's getting closer to giving me a second chance," I say kind of excited just at the thought of it.

y/n's pov:
about ten minutes later.

I get out of the tub and I grab the towel that's laying on the rack next to me. I wrap it around my body and I walk to the sink and open the cabinet above it. I grab an extra toothbrush and I open it quickly. I wet it, put toothpaste, then wet it again cause that's the only way to do it. (i said what I said.)  

I start brushing my teeth while humming my favorite song. im still trying to process that I slept with my ex. like im not complaining that much but I just caught feelings all over again. It's almost like the whole right person, wrong time thing. 

I rinse out my mouth and once I do I see vinnie walk in with a towel around his waist, assuming he just got out of the shower. he walks over to me and lifts me on the counter and starts kissing me, then down my neck.

 I put my hands on his cheeks and pull him closer deepening the kiss. "y/n!" someone shouts and I see Liya walk in and her jaw drops. "when the hell did you get here!?" I shout and she doesn't reply. "I was coming to pick you up, your parents are worried." she says and I roll my eyes. 

perfect timing, jeez. 

a/n: hey, thank you for 3k ;)

exes or lovers? - vinnie hacker storyWhere stories live. Discover now