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once i get home i open the door and the place is ransacked. there's water on the floor, papers everywhere, all of my siblings are screaming at each other. i slam the door behind me and everyone gets quiet. 

"you guys seriously can't keep the place somewhat clean while I'm gone?" i yell and everyone stays silent. "once i come out of my room, this place better be clean. or i'm telling mom and dad that yall ransacked the place." i say walking up the stairs and they all grunt. "you have fifteen minutes!" i yell as i walk into my room and close the door behind me.

i don't clean if im, not the one that made the mess and i wasn't even here. all of my siblings are slightly intimidated by me cause of my tone but they should be scared. i hate having so many siblings.

i turn on my tv and i open Spotify so i can blast my music so i don't hear them downstairs. i quickly change my clothes and i lay on my bed. i was about to go on tiktok before i got a text message from a random number.


i need you to stay away from

why? and who is this?

you don't need to know who
this is, but I'm pregnant with vinnies baby. so stay away.

did I see that shit right?

vinnie got another girl pregnant?

this is a prank. it has to be.

last time someone said he got a girl pregnant it was a lie....?

i screenshot the text so i can send it to vinnie later. i don't believe it but I mean shit, with all the girls he is messing around with, i don't even know.

"y/n! help!" leonora yells banging on my door and i take a deep breath. i walk over to the door and open it. "what?" i snap and she and she points downstairs. "can you put andrew and clementine to sleep?" she asks and i roll my eyes.

"fine." i say pushing past her and i walk downstairs. "did you give them showers?" i ask leonora and she nods.  i pick clementine up and i quickly walk into her room. "goodnight clem." i say laying her down in her crib as i kiss her forehead. i turn off the lights as i walk out of the room and i do the same with andrew.

as i walk out of his room my parents are just coming in the house. "they made the mess, not me, i was with vinnie." i say walking up to my room and i quickly close the door before they say anything back cause i don't want to hear it.

 i have to send the ss to vinnie about the text i got. i can't wait any longer at this point.


*the screenshot*

that's fake. i haven't done
it with anyone in a long time.


please don't be mad y/n.

im not


I'm praying he's telling the truth, cause if he isn't...

he fucked up for real this time.

the next day cause im lazy....
vinnies pov:

i wake up to loud noise coming from downstairs and i yawn loudly. i slowly get up and throw on one of my hoodies and i open my door to the boys sitting on the living room floor with a huge poster in front of them. and, their blasting music.

"why the hell are you guys blasting music?" i ask as Kio turns down the music. "and why do you guys have the poster in from of you guys?" i ask and they look at each other. "scratch the poster." aaron says pushing it away and i scrunch my eyebrows.

"and do what?" i ask and baby j clears his throat. "basically, each of us is going to have our own poster, and on the poster there each going to have one letter on it that spells, prom?, including the question mark. and you're going to say your little speech and after you say "will you go to..." and were all going to put up the posters and it's going to spell prom and blah blah blah." he says and i just stand there in shock. i mean it's cute, but would it work?

"i mean, sure but-" "no buts." jordan h says cutting me off and i sigh. "we're going out later to shop for a suit for you. you need to impress her." jordan p says and I nod. "let me just get ready." i mumble as I walk back up the stairs.

i pray this works...

a/n: hey its been a minute cause i am exhausted lol. but imma update more.... maybe lol

sorry this is short


oh and i forgot to mention, when you put one of my stories in your reading lists, i can see the name of them if you didnt know already lol

exes or lovers? - vinnie hacker storyWhere stories live. Discover now