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as dezi pulls into the school driveway we see flashing lights coming from the gym and we already know everyone is partying. we quickly get out of the car and we excitedly walk into the school and the loud music fills our ears. "oh god." i mumble as we walk our way towards the gym and it's beautiful. there are balloons, a ribbon that says "senior prom!" on it, tables are in a separate spot and there is food and drinks near it, and on the stage, there is a seat for the prom king and queen.

"y/n look! vinnies over there!" liya says tapping my shoulder and pointing to him. i smile as i walk my way towards him and he turns around. and he's wearing red. "oh wow." we say at the same time as we admire each other and we smile at each other. he engulfs me in a hug and i hug him back. "you look...stunning y/n." he says and i look up at him. "and you look...handsome vinnie." i say and he smiles big. "and you wore red..." i say and he nods. "i had to. i never forgot." he says and i hug him tighter. "would you want with me?" he asks and he takes my hand. 

third person! 

vinnie walks y/n to the middle of the floor and he gently puts his hands on her waist and she wraps her arms around his neck and he pulls her closer. a slow song starts playing and they start swaying back and forth. they are looking at each other in the eyes deeply ignoring everything else around them. 

y/n is falling for him all over again and vinnie is falling even more in love. y/n gets closer to vinnies face and he smiles a little. after a few seconds, vinnie slowly puts his lips on y/n's and she kisses him back immediately. he moves one of his hands onto y/n's cheek and she deepens the kiss. as they kiss, they feel like it's only them and the music in the room as they are swaying to the slow song. "i missed your lips." vinnie says as he slowly pulls away and y/n smiles. "i missed yours too." y/n says and vinnie kisses her forehead. 

y/n's pov:

vinnie and i just kissed and oh my god i have never been happier. it's been such a long time and it felt amazing just for him to even hold my waist. i missed the way he looked at me and he has the same sparkle in his eyes. 

"I never thought i would do that again." he says laughing and i laugh too. "me either, but i'm so happy i did," I say and he puts his lips on mine again and pulls me even closer.

 i kiss him back as i close my eyes and i play with his curls. all of a sudden i have the random urge to tell him i love him but i can't say that yet. it's way too soon. 

i hear the girls calling me over and i sigh. "i'll be back." i say and vinnie nods. i walk away towards the girls and they all are smiling. "you two kissed..." maddy says and I smile. "yeah. i missed kissing him." say and they all gasp. "did you say i love you?" dezi asks and i shake my head. "way too soon." i say and she sighs.

"spend some time with us before they have us vote for prom king and queen." liya pouts and i nod. "sure. let's sit down." i say and we all sit down at one of the round tables.

time skip cause... yuh!

someone comes over to us and hands us a piece of paper and it has all the people for prom king and queen. and of course, vinnie and i are there. i see the girls check us off and i check us off myself cause why not? "you two are going to win for sure." liya says to me and i shrug my shoulders. "maybe." "no, for sure. i manifested this." dezi says and my eyes widen. "thank you dezi!" i say giggling and she smirks. 

soon after the same person comes around and takes all of the papers back. "i'm so excited!" maddy says and i smile. "me too." i say as i tap my foot on the ground cause i'm beyond nervous. i mean if we win, i will be so happy but if we lose then dezi's manifesting doesn't work. "she's counting the votes!" liya says excitedly and i smile. the girl walks up on the stage and taps the mic and everyone stops talking. 

"so, we counted the votes and... it was two votes that made it different." the girl says and I smile. "prom king and queen are... y/n and vinnie!" she shouts and i gasp as everyone starts clapping and cheering. 

"we told you!" the girls say and the same time and i thank them as i get up and i fix my dress. vinnie jogs towards me as i walk up towards the stage and i grab his hand. we walk up on the stage and there are two people standing behind the chairs and i tighten my grip on vinnies hand as we sit down. 

i feel the crow lower on my head and i smile as everyone starts clapping. i look at vinnie and he's smiling bigger than ever. "put on the slow songs!" the girl shouts and a melody starts playing on queue. 

vinnie and i get up and walk towards each other. he put our hands in the same position we had them earlier and start dancing. "you deserve this, you deserve so much." he says and i move closer to him. "we deserve this." i say and he shakes his head. "you deserve it. you deserve the world." he says and the way i would just tell him I love him right now...

"and also, i might embarrass you right now but i don't care," he says before putting his lips on mine and i smile into the kiss. everyone starts cheering and i can hear liya, dezi, and maddy screaming on the top of their lungs. 

i know people are taking photos and that's okay cause i want to remember this moment forever. this is probably the best day of my life. i don't care if people know vinnie and i's past cause i would take him back right now. i know he's changed, i know he's not the same junior year vinnie that everyone knew was an asshole. 

i want him to be mine again.

a/n: smut with vinnie and y/n is coming up soon i promise

me updating a story twice a day?!??!? huh!?!?

but anyway thank you for all the votes and views i love you <3

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