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"Logan, please just make sure the pack doesn't fall apart when I am gone. I trust you to keep it up and running for the next few days," I say to my Beta teasingly.

Logan knew I was joking because even though he is one of the most immature werewolves on the planet he would become one of the most mature when I was gone and he needed to take care of the pack.

"Yeah, yeah whatever Bry, you know that I'll make the pack fall apart the first hour you are gone," he says sarcastically and punches my arm. 

"Okay, okay to be serious. If any rogues wonder onto our territory, take them to the dungeon. Make sure they have enough food and water. I will talk to them when I get back. And if any are badly injured, let the pack Doctor see them," I say and adjust my suit. Ehh, how I hate to wear suits.

"I know, I know. You give me this speech every time you leave to go to another pack," he says and leans his broad shoulders against my door frame.

"I give you this speech every time because it seems that every time I tell you that it goes in one ear and out the other," I say, starting to tie my tie.

"Alright Alpha, I will keep the pack up and running, for the most part," he whispers the last part, trying not to let me hear it.

"I heard that," I yell after him.

He just turns and salutes me, before walking towards the game room. I just laugh, grabbing my father's old briefcase and walking out the door.


Running was rather difficult with a silver collar burning your neck. The collar was tight around my neck making it hard to breathe. It hurt to breathe too heavily, and Ariel was beginning to whimper from the non-stop pain, emitting from our body. Ariel was a tough wolf, one of the toughest I know, but after days of us being in immense pain and her trying to heal my body it was beginning to tire her out and with us been running for hours, she was about to pass out.

"Ariel, I know you need a break, let's just stop," I say to her.

"No, no I'm alright, we have to get farther," she protests.

I just mentally shake my head and easily take control from her and shift. She begins to protest more but I shut her out. She needs to rest or we'll never make it. I feel her pressing against my mental barrier, but she is weak and is not able to break it. I walk through the forest. The Ever Green trees, oh how ironic, are beautiful and give off a scent that is calming. I breath it in and sit against the trunk of a big Ever Green tree.

I wince at the whip marks still on my back. The bandages that Cornelia gave me are no more, the stupid silver collar, stayed in tact and now my neck is all burnt to a crisp like my wrist. I hear a stream nearby and slowly walk in the direction.

I make it to the stream and kneel down. I splash my face with the cool water and cup some in my hands taking slow sips. I splash water on my neck and wrists trying to sooth the burns and it works for a little while. I look around and see berries here and there. I go over and pick one. I look at it and pop it into my mouth. When I was younger my parents brought me camping almost every weekend and they taught me all sorts of survival skills. 

The air grows chilly as the sun starts to set. I shift into my wolf form, still in control. Ariel must have fallen asleep because I let my barrier down and she didn't try to bother me. I tuck myself against a fallen tree, shielding myself from the wind. I look up at the sky seeing the sparkling stars. I curl into a ball and close my eyes. Falling asleep within minutes.

My Alpha BrysonWhere stories live. Discover now