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"You bastard," I sob and pound on his chest. "How could you? How could you leave me like that? Bryson how could you?"

"Everett stop," he says and tries to grab my wrists.

"No. You left me. All alone for over two weeks. How could you?" I sob.

Bryson doesn't say anything but picks me up. As much as I struggle to get out of his arms, I don't want to be out of the arms that haven't been in for over two weeks. Anger, sadness, and happiness confuse my brain and I don't know how to feel. Happy that Bryson is awake and well. Sad that Bryson left me. Or anger about him leaving me.

My hits on Bryson's chest become weaker and weaker and I just sit in his arms crying as he carries me. He brings us to our room and lays me on the bed before crawling over me and effectively pinning my legs and arms down onto the bed. I just look up at Bryson, tears run out of my eyes and my lips tremble. Bryson has tears in his eyes and I know that he is hurting just as much as I am.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Everett. Please forgive me," he whispers and wipes my tears, but they don't stop.

"You left me after you promised not to. After all the time I was gone we just back together and... and," I couldn't finish my sentence. A tidal wave of emotions flowed through me and a new wave of tears flowed through me.

"Oh baby. I'm so sorry," he hugs me close and buries his face in my neck.

I wrap my arms around his neck and cry, more than I have every cried. I cried out of happiness that my mate is back in my arms. I dug my hands into his hair and brought his lips to mine and kiss his lips eagerly. I pour every ounce of my love for Bryson into the kiss and I can tell he is doing the same. I can hear the faint whisper of him saying he loves me through the mind link. The kiss is raw and passionate. Full of our love for each other.

"Never leave me again. Please," I beg once we break apart.

"Never. Never again," he promises and places his forehead on mine and closes his eyes, panting.

We sit there our foreheads together, eyes closed and just breathe each other in. Occasional kisses are passed between us, short and brief, but full of passion. I don't want to move. I want to stay frozen in this spot forever. I want to be encased in ice with Bryson and never have to be separated again.

Bryson sits up and pulls me with him. I'm straddling his lap. I hope he doesn't notice the slight curve of my stomach with our bodies this close together. I want to tell him, not for him to find out. Bryson eyes hold uncertainty. I can tell he wants to tell me something.

"Bryson, what is it? You know you can tell me anything," I say and run a hand over his cheek.

Bryson just sighs and dips his head, a smile graces his lips. "You just know me too well." His eyes turn serious and his jaw tenses. "When I was asleep, I met the Moon Goddess. She told me of plans that the Red Sun Pack is making. She told me you are in danger. That's why when I woke up and I could even smell your scent even close to me, I became scared. I became scared beyond belief and I thought that something happened to you."

My body tenses and my muscles become sore from it. "Bryson there is something that I need to tell you."

I stand up and start to pace the room. My hands splay across my stomach on instinct. I felt the need to run away and protect my baby but I know that Bryson will protect me. I see Bryson's eyes glance down at my stomach flash in conclusion before drifting up to my eyes.

"What is it baby? You can tell me anything," he says and sits on the edge of the bed.

I walk over to him and hug his head to my stomach. He wraps his hands around me and closes his eyes. He doesn't understand it. He just thinks I'm holding him. But there is a whole other meaning to it.

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