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I couldn't do anything but pace back and worth. If I did anything else, I might lash out on someone. I was extremely on edge and the longer I was away from my mate the more my wolf became more and more uneasy. He was on the verge of taking over and just attacking in a blind rage but I couldn't allow that to happen.

The moon was almost to its highest point in the sky. The same guards were still on their posts as when we got here but now instead of standing tall and straight they were all slightly slouched and occasionally I saw a head fall to the side before frantically shoot back up. They were beginning to tire. But we head to wait until the guards changed and in that confusion we will attack. 

Everyone was hiding among the shadows, we had the advantage. The advantage of the dark and of surprise. We would win and we would get my mate and my pack's Luna back.

"I hate these long shifts. Why don't they put the nasty ass rouges and hunters on the shifts?" I heard a gruff voice say.

The man was around thirty. His hair was a muddy blonde colour. I could see that his left arm was covered in scars. Must have been caused by a blade of silver or a blade covered in wolves' bane. I kind of felt bad. I feel that no one should have to go through the pain that silver and wolves' bane causes. Even if they are the enemy.

"I know, but they get the next shift and maybe tomorrow we'll make them wait a little longer to be relieved of their guard duty." Both men chuckle and return into silence.

The hunters and rogues will take the next shift. We have to attack right now. These wolves are all tired and we can surely beat them.

'Everyone we are going to attack soon,' I mind link and I see everyone in my view shifts towards me silently. 'The next shift of guards are all hunters and rogues. I hate to say this but if we wait until the shift change and the hunters and rogues are ready and awake many of us will die and I won't risk anyone's life.'

Understanding floods through the mind link and I know everyone agrees. We all know how dangerous rogues and hunters can be. They have no remorse and no control.

'Okay everyone, into position,' I order and everyone does as their told. We all walk silently and circle the compound, hiding in the shadows. 'Is everyone ready?'

'Yes, Alpha,' came everyone's reply.

'Okay everyone on my signal we attack,' I say, we will succeed. We will save Everett. I crouch low, ready to spring out of the shadows and attack. Logan does the same from beside me. I nod to him, he replies with a nod and I give the signal, 'Attack!'


'Attack!' Bryson gives the signal and within two second everyone has sprung out of the shadows, racing towards the compound in a frenzy.

Growls and yells ring through the clearing at everyone attacks. Many of the guards are dead before they could shift but a couple made it. I see Bryson racing towards one of the entrances and I follow in suit. Jackson and Stephen finish what they started and follow suit.

Bryson already had barged into the compound and was shifted. We all shifted, not minding our nakedness due to the fact that we were all determined to save Everett.

"Logan take Stephen and search that half of the building. Jackson and I will search this half," Bryson says.

"Alright," I say and take off. Stephen close behind me.

Within a minute we encounter a couple hunters. I see they had blow guns and I'm guessing they have wolves bane coated needles at the ready. A growl slips through my throat and I shift into my wolf form. None of these bastards are going to keep my sister away from me any longer.

My Alpha BrysonWhere stories live. Discover now