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The pain was excruciating. Every nick of the knife stung. Every zap of the electric collar burned. But I couldn't let it get to me. I wouldn't let it get to me. My pup was depending on me. Bryson was depending on me. My wolf wasn't answering me. I couldn't feel Bryson and the silver burned in my veins and I could feel bile rising up.

Blood spills out of my mouth as my throat constricts and I gag. Greg laughs and presses a button and jolt comes from the collar. My body spasms and a scream erupts from my lips.

"Please stop!" I yell as the spasms continue.

"Do you give in yet?" He asks with a laugh, making the jolt of the collar more powerful.

"Never!" I can't give in. I will never give in. Bryson is going to save me and we will go home together.

"Then no!" He yells back.

He stops the shocks and walks over to the wall that is full of weapons, just outside the cage. He grabs long jagged knife and a whip. He slips gloves on and opens the cage and closes it behind him. I slide back and feel the wounds on my back reopen and warm blood drip down my back but by know my vision has begun to blur and I feel myself becoming weaker and weaker.

He raises his hand and bring the whip down on my legs. I flinch and bring my legs closer to myself. He continues to do bring the whip down on every piece of skin visible which is basically everything. I feel the sting of the whip on the side of my stomach and curl myself inwards so that he doesn't hit my stomach.

"Why're you doing this?" I ask trying to distract him from hitting my stomach with the whip.

"Because once Tiffany has reached Bryson, I will kill your baby and frame your death so that Bryson is so heartbroken that he fall into Tiffany's arm. And after that I will impregnate you with my child and we will create the strongest pups and we will rule the werewolf world together," he smirks a gruesome smirk and kneels in front of me.

"Bryson will never fall for a fake death and he will never fall into Tiffany's arms. He will always be with me and will always come for me no matter what," I say back with a growl.

Greg snarls and grabs me from the back of head and pulls me towards him, "You will listen to your Alpha and future mate." He smashes his lips to mine and disgusts floods me. I push him back with all the strength that I had left, which wasn't very much, but it at least got his disgusting lips off mine.

His eyes fill fury and burn as he reaches and punches me in the face. I grip my cheek and look down. He says nothing and stands up turning as the door at the top of the stair opens and someone rushes down them, almost falling in the process.

"Sir, Bryson and the Midnight Pack are in the area," he rushes and fury invades his voice.

"How did they figure it out?" He roars.

"I don't know, Sir," the man said his voice trembling from fear.

"I told you, I told you Bryson would come for me," I say. I can't help the joy that invades my voice and thoughts. Bryson is going to save us. I know it.

"Shut it you little bitch," he yells and kicks me in the head before storming out of the cage and locking it behind him. "I'll kill you mate if I have too."

"You'll never be able to kill him," I growl.

"We'll see about that," he says and makes his way up the stairs and locks the door behind me leaving me in the faint glow of the light on the roof.

I know that Bryson will save me. He's just outside with the rest of the pack. He will save me and our pup and we will get home. I know it.


My Alpha BrysonWhere stories live. Discover now