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I stare into the water that trailed down the fountain and down towards the Earth. The water, the colour of crystals, seemed to glimmer like a rainbow in the setting sun. I heard heavy footsteps and assumed my guards were coming to escort me to my chambers.

"Has she started to have the dreams?" I ask to the guards standing behind me, not turning around.

"Yes, but the boy is being difficult," one replies, by his voice I'm guessing it was Anil. "Should we begin to interfere your highness?"

"No. We will not interfere with the process. My magic is beginning to work," I say with more force then I intended. I turned around and saw Anil nod to the other guard and he turned around and left, his footsteps heavy. Anil has light grey eyes and blonde hair. When he smiles he has a dimple on his left cheek. He wears all black, the guard uniform, but a silver belt sits on his waist. The sign of him being my head guard.

"Lunette, time to go," Anil says, coming up to me, holding his arm out. Only Anil can call me by my name and it causes shivers down my spine and butterflies in my stomach.

"Anil can I please stay out for a little while longer? You know of all people should know I don't like being locked away in my room," I say, turning around. The room where I am locked almost every minute. The room where the moon and I become one, the room where I am away from Anil.

Anil has been one of my guards ever since the beginning of my life as the moon goddess. He understands that being locked away in that room always bothers me. Anil is the thorn to my rose and the light to my moonlight.

"Lunette let's go on a walk," he says, pulling me forward gently.

My moonlight dress trails behind me as I walk, clutching Anil's arm. My eyes fog around the corners, before going back to normal. I don't let it faze me because if I tell Anil he will take me to the room. I know I don't have long before I have to go back to the room and I want to spend my time with Anil. The garden was full of moon lilies and I wanted to pick one, to bring it to my room with me. 

"Anil, do you think I can have a moon lily to bring to my room?" My fingers brush the soft petals.

"Here," Anil says handing me a lily. I took it and brought it up to my face, taking in its sweet fragrance.

I felt Anil hand brush the side of my face and head shoots up so fast I could have got whiplash. Anil tucks a moon lily behind my ear before brushing his hand along my cheek. His hands were soft and gentle like the petals of the moon lily.

"Beautiful," he whispers. Heat explodes on my neck and cheeks and I divert my gaze and look at my hands and the moon lily tightly in their grasp. My head starts to blur and I stumble. Anil catches me, his strong arms cocooning me. "Lunette, what's wrong?" He asks brushing my platinum blonde hair away from my face. I don't answer because my vision goes black before flashing back. I've been put of my room for too long.

"I'm sorry Lunette, but I have to bring you to your room now," he says, picking my up bridal style and started running.

"No Anil, I don't want to go to my room, I don't want to leave you," I say. I feel my body begin to weaken, my calling to go back to my room and be one with the moon.

"I'm sorry Lunette, I have to," he says and I hear a door open.

Anil sets me on my bed and I feel vines begin to wrap around me. No, I don't want to. I look over to Anil, tears welling up in my eyes. "Please Anil, I don't want to leave, please just let me go back to the garden," I say, reaching out to him. Vines slowly crawl up my arm. "Please don't let me go, let me stay with you in the garden."

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