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I woke up to Bryson's arm wrapped around me tightly. Even in his sleep he seems to protect me. My head was tucked under his chin and his lips pressed to my forehead. I felt safe and secure. My wolf purred in delight and my skin tingled everywhere Bryson and I touched.

The burning and stinging in my shoulder hadn't returned and I am very happy. I am so grateful to Bryson for helping me. For letting me take his blood and he myself and then he healed the wound with his saliva. I couldn't have asked anybody else to do that for me.

I place my fingers along his chest, over his heart in a silent thanks to him. I feel the smooth planes of his muscles, hard but soft under my fingertips. Bryson's breathing was soft and deep.

I trail my fingertips down his chest and towards his stomach. I trace the ridges of his eight pack with my index finger. Bryson groans and tightens his arms around me. But he doesn't wake. A smile graces my lips and refuses to fall.

I wrap my arm around his waist and trail my finger up and down his spine. He has always been sensitive to beings touch on his spine. I just giggle when his back slightly arches towards me.

"I love you. You've done so much for me, that there isn't a thousand apologies that could atone how much you have done. I know I may not be able to make it up to you but I need you to know that I will spend the rest of my life trying to do as much for you as you have done for me," I whisper into his chest. I know he can't hear me. But I have to get that off my chest and I think that if I was actually speaking to him I would be too scared to say anything past I love you.

"You don't have to do that. You have already done so much for me," shock overwhelms me as I hear his voice. How did I not realize be was awake. "I love you. After you disappeared, my life became nothing. I only flowed with motions and I became a shell of the person I was when you were here. Then you came back to me and I feel as though I am back to the way I was before. My wolf has returned. You don't have to do anything for me because you have done enough," he tilts my chin up and kisses my lips.

"You're too good for me," I say kissing him back.

"No, you're too good for me," he says and flip sis over so he straddles me. "I love you, you little tease. You always knew where I was ticklish," he kisses my neck and then nibbles on my earlobe.

"You're the one teasing me," a moan slips through my lips as he moves his nibbling to the spot under my ear.

"Payback baby," he breathes against my neck. He continues for a little bit longer before sitting up and pulling me with him. "I want you to get ready. I am going to take you out on a date. I'll pick you up in two hours."

"Okay, I love you," I say. What is going to happen on this date? After are we going to mate?

"I love you too. See you in two hours," he kisses me one more time, long and passionate, before leaving.

I just sat there staring at where Bryson had walked out. The longing for him to come back was so strong. With us just finding each other again our instincts to be together and never be away from each other is stronger than most.

My Alpha BrysonWhere stories live. Discover now