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"The Hunters and the Rogues have found a way to block the mate bonds and get rid of a mate mark," Beta Jackson's voice rings through my head as my hand clamps over my mate mark.

I feel my heart pounding painfully against my ribs. How can they possible do that? What does this mean for every pair of mates? My breaths come out in pants I feel a light throbbing at the base of my neck.

I lightly hear Bryson dismiss Logan and Beta Jackson. Bryson shifts me so I am straddling his lap. His hands cradle my cheeks and makes me look into his piercing eyes.

"My little one, come on back. Don't be slipping away into your mind," Bryson says and brings my face into his neck so I can breathe in his intoxicating scent.

My fingers turn white from me gripping his shoulders. My shoulders shake as I try to contain my fear. Bryson just grips me tightly to his chest and soothes me.

The Rogues and the Hunters have figured how to pull apart mates and destroy the very thing that many werewolves live for; their mate and the bond that associates with ones mate. The thought causes me to shiver and a sob escapes my lips.

"Everett please calm down, I'm right here," Bryson pleads to me and pulls me closer and presses his lips against mine.

He brushes my tears away as his lips move against mine. It's sloppy and slobbery due to my tears. Bryson pulls away and locks his eyes with mine.

"Tell me what's wrong baby," he whispers and brushes my hair away from my face.

"What if they tear us apart? They are after me. I don't want to be away from you again and the thought of our mate bond being ripped apart. I don't think I could survive if our mate bond was destroyed," I cried and gripped the junction of my neck and shoulder. The spot where my mate mark is.

"Everett look at me!" Bryson growls. My eyes instantly lock with his. I can practically see Legend scratching at the surface. "I am not going to allow them to destroy our bond, I promise. Our bond is too strong for them to destroy. It survived us being apart after many years. It can survive anything."

"Promise?" I whisper.

"I promise with my life," Bryson declares and places my hand on his chest.

I do the same with his hand so he can feel my erratic heartbeat return to normal with his words. He smiles at me and draws circles on my breast plate with the pad of his thumb. It helps me calm down and soon I sag into Bryson completely calm.

"I love you," I whisper and hug him tightly not wanting to let go.

"I love you too my little one," he whispers and hugs me just as tight as I hug him.

We sit there in the calming silence. All that can be heard is the sound of our breathing and our heartbeats beating in unison.

'Logan, Jackson you can come back in now,' Bryson says through the pack link and seconds later the two walk in.

I should apologize for the way I acted. It was not appropriate for a soon-to-be Luna. I stand up and look at my brother and former Beta.

"I am very sorry for the way I acted. I know it is not the way a Luna should act at a time like this." I bow before taking a seat back in Bryson's lap and keeping my head down.

"Everett you have nothing to apologize for. I know this news is shocking. The fact that you didn't freak out more surprises me-" Beta Jackson is cut off by Bryson's growl. "Alpha Bryson I meant no offence to you or your mate. The fact is that after all the trauma that Everett had gone through I expected her to take the news worse than she did. But she is strong and this is why the Red Sun Pack wants to have her."

My Alpha BrysonWhere stories live. Discover now