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"Bry Bry I'm scared," I turn around to see a little girl, with long dark brown hair and piercing green eyes. 

She's standing at the steps of and in-ground pool. Her eyes were wide with fear. She wore a life jacket and floaters on her arms. A boy around six years old stood at the bottom of  the stairs his blonde hair shining in the sun, his blue eyes the colour of the ocean.

"Come on, Everett. We do this every time you want to go swimming. I promise you are not going to get hurt," wait Everett, Beta Logan's sister. 

"You promise?" She asks, putting her tiny toes in the water.

"Have I ever lied to you?" He counters the young girl.

"No," she whispers.

"That's right know come on, if you come in the water I'll give you a piggyback ride later on," her eyes brighten and she slowly begins to descend into the water.

I watch as the girl and boy play in the shallow end of the pool. Their parents shortly come out and talk. Emily is one of them and her mate who I learned was named Michael. They sat and drank iced tea. Talking and they all looked happy. A younger version of the Beta Logan I know, joins Bry Bry and Everett. They all played and made Everett the judge at a trick competition Logan and Bry Bry had.

"Time for dinner," Emily calls and the kids run out of the pool and onto the deck. They change into clothes and come back outside. They eat there dinner and Everett yawns rubbing her fist over her eyes. "Someone is going to have an early bed time today."

"I'll take her up. I promised her a piggyback ride," Bry Bry says.

Everett climbs onto his back and holds on tightly. Her head laying on his shoulder, her eyes closing. He smiles back at her and walks up to what I am assuming is her bedroom.

He lies her down her princess bed and tucks her in. He turns but Everett grabs his hand stopping him.

"Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?" Her eyes are glazed from tiredness from a day of fun in the sun.

"Okay," he nods and climbs under the covers with her lying beside her. She closes her eyes hugging her stuffed teddy bear.

My eyes snap open. Sunlight streams from the windows of the dungeon. Why did I have that dream? That girl is dead. Why am I seeing a memory of hers? I lay confusing swirling my mind, the other rogues were asleep and so were the guards.

My body burned. Fire coursed through my veins. I whimpered and squirmed. The pain kept increasing and I felt the urge to vomit. I started coughing and gag urging for the burning to end. I started to cry, my sobs mixing in with my coughs and gags. I could hear the guards waking up and walking over to my cell, unlocking it.

"Hey hey, what's wrong with you?" A guard asked and placed a hand on my shoulder. I flinched, his hands were icy.

I just continued to cough, gag, and sob. Icy hands continue to grab at my skin. I flinch away every time. The burning increases and I let out a yelp.

"Ari what's happening?" I ask.

"I am trying to get the wolves bane out of your system. I am sorry about the pain but it is the only way that you are going to be able to heal," she says back. I nod to her and try to deal with the pain.

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