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Bryson had been gone all day. I woke up to find him getting dressed, he said nothing but that he had Alpha work to do. He just gave me a kiss on the forehead and was out of the room like he was never there. It was beginning to worry me.

But I couldn't think about that right now. I was going to talk to Mrs. Hall about Alice and Justin. I wanted to know how soon I could adopt them. With Alice and Justin with us, I think that Bryson and I may be able to start getting in control and getting over all that has been going on.

I know that Bryson and I may not be ready to have a family, but Alice and Justin deserves this. They deserve a family after what has happened to them. After the tragedy that devastated their lives. Taking the lives of their parents and their whole entire pack making them run for their lives. No one deserves that. No one.

Shaking my head to rid my head of the horrible thoughts I knock on the door to Mrs. Hall house. She lives in a small cottage like house beside the pack house. It holds as a house for the young pack members that have lost their families. Or rogues that are so young they need an adult to help guide them. Mrs. Hall is this person. She and her mate care for all the young werewolves that do not have parents. I am grateful that our pack as someone like her.

"Oh Luna, what a surprise," Mrs. Hall says as she opens the door and bows her head in respect.

"Please just call me Everett Mrs. Hall," I say as I enter the house.

"Okay as long as you call me Gloria," she says with a chuckle.

"Okay Gloria," I chuckle with her. "Can we go somewhere to talk?"

"Oh of course, I'll have Sam get us some tea," her eye glaze over slightly and she stares into space for a moment before returning. She must have been mind linking her mate. I'll be able to do that with Bryson soon, I think and a smile comes to my lips.

"Please follow me Lun... Everett," Gloria quickly corrects herself.

"Lead the way," I say gently.

She brings us to a cute little office. It has nice light blue painting with wolves running across it. I walk over and see two wolves sitting high on a hill. They must be the Alpha and the Luna. One is dark brown and one a light blonde with bits of brown hidden underneath. I reach up and run my fingers over the blonde one. It looked just like Legend.

"It's you and Alpha Bryson," Gloria's voice breaks me from my thoughts.

"What?" I say shocked and I turn to looks at the painting again.

"I painted this after you disappeared. It was after Bryson's wolf disappeared and he changed. I wanted to remember how he was before but also wanted to look at the good that could come from the changes. Like you returning, I wanted to paint the future that our pack wanted and needed. And that is what we got," she explains. She sitting in the chair that is tucked behind the desk, starring fondly at the painting.

"Thank you. It is very beautiful," I say and take a seat.

Sam, Gloria's mate walks in. His hair is dark and greying on the sides. He carries a tray with two tea cups, packets of tea, sugar, cream, and cute little spoons.

He sets the tray down on the table gives me a nod of the head in respect and his mate a kiss on the forehead, before walking out.

"What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Gloria asks folding her small slightly wrinkled hands on the desk.

"I want to discuss the possibility of Bryson and I adopting Alice and Justin," I say, staring into her eyes. They were a soft grey colour and twinkled at the words I spoke. I make my tea adding 2 sugars.

My Alpha BrysonWhere stories live. Discover now