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I walk to my parents' room and pick up Alice and Justin. They both clutch onto my hands as we walk to our room. They were going to sleep in my room tonight because one; I was paranoid about them being kidnapped as well and two; I needed them in order to keep my mind off of Everett.

"Daddy are you leaving tomorrow?" Alice asks. Her eyes are big and wide. Like the ocean wide and vast and full of wondrous things.

"Yes baby, I'll be leaving tomorrow when the sun rises. I'm going to save Mommy and bring her back to us." I look down at both of then, smiling gently.

"Okay," Logan trails off. I know that him and Alice are nervous that me or Everett may not return to them and they would lose another Mommy and Daddy.

Alice and Justin have been through so much even at there young age. Their pack was attacked and destroyed by rogues and they were the only survivors. They have nightmares at night of that day and I just want to take their pain away. I am determined to get Everett back for them and for me. They need their Mama and I need my mate back. After being away from her for ten years I am not willing to see her gone again.

I grab their hands tightly but still gently, not wanting to hurt them but wanting to make sure they are safe and with me. I am not going to let them leave. I can't allow my family to be hurt more.

Alice yawns and I see her rub her eyes with the back of her hand. I see that her eyes are tired and as I look at Justin he is also tired and yawning as we walk towards my room. I open the door and bring them in. I grab the pajamas that Everett had put in our room for them and it makes my heart hurt as I think of her.

Her glossy brown hair and green eyes that I had inherited when she left and lost her memories. The brown streaks that appeared in my blonde hair and the change in the colour of my left eye from blue to green. I am glad this happened because it helped me in remembering my mate. Remembering my Everett.

I help them get dressed because I can see the toll that the stress of the day has taken on them. I tuck them into my bed and turn off the lights. I feel a small hand grab my hand.

"Daddy, can you tell us a story?" I hear Alice ask in the darkness.

"Sure honey, what kind of story do you want to hear?" I sit down on the side of the bed and look in the general direction that their faces are in.

"Can we hear the story of how you and Mommy met?"

Oh what a story that is, I think to myself and chuckle softly. But it soon stops when my heart twinges at the thought of it.

"Well when Mommy was born I was three years old. You know Grandma and Grandpa are Mommy's parents. Well on the day Mommy and Uncle Logan were born Nana, Papa, and I all went to the hospital to see them." I pause when I think about that day and a small smile graces my lips.

"We went to visit and there she was your Mama all wrapped up in a pink blanket and she was sleeping. I knew the moment I saw her that she was my mate. I walked over and looked at her. And the first thing that came out of my mouth was 'she's so ugly and wrinkly'. My voice seemed to wake her and as she peered at me a smile graced her lips and she reached up and grabbed my finger." I feel tears prick at the corners of my eyes and I will myself not to let them free. "And that is how me and Mama met."

Justin and Alice are asleep and I hear their light snoring. I stand up and make my way over to the window seat and look at the waning moon. I feel the tears pour down my cheek and I place my hand over my mouth to stifle my sobs.

How could I let this happen again? Again. No pair of mates should have to go through what Everett and I have gone through. But there has to be a reason why Everett and I have gone through this. The Moon Goddess paired us together for some reason and I know that there is a reason. It may be so small we may not be able to see it. But it may be so big that it is bigger than anything we have faced. But I know that we will get through this because we can get through anything with the love that we hold for each other.

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