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When I open the door to have two children jump on me. I kneel down and hug my children close to my chest. I rub their heads, and pull them close. Logan walks over, rubs their heads and pats me on the shoulder before walking out. Probably to go see his parents and Everett.

"Dad, where's Mama?" Justin asks as he steps back ever so slightly. 

"Mama was hurt badly and she's in the hospital wing. Grandma and Grandpa are trying to help her and the baby. But Mama and the baby might not make it," I say and feel a tear run down my cheek.

Alice and Justin have tears running down their cheeks and I hear their sobs. I hug them and cry myself. My wolf whimpers in my mind.

"Daddy is mommy going to be alright?" Alice whimpers in my neck.

"I don't know sweetie, I don't know," I say to her and kiss her forehead. "But I think that she will be. How could she leave two cuties like you?" I tap them both on the nose.

"Yeah, Mommy wouldn't leave us," Justin says and walks over to his bed and grabs a hand full of books. "She has so read Alice and I books at night and we all have to go on picnics so there is no way that Mommy will leave us."

"And our new brother or sister will never leave us either because they have to play with us too," Alice says and smiles ever so slightly.

"Yes, of course," I smile at them and hug them. "How 'bout we make Mama and the baby Get Well cards? I think Mama will like that."

"Yeah," they both said and grabbed their pencil crayons and paper.

I sat on the ground and pulled a piece of paper towards me and a green pencil crayon. But as I made my Get Well card I couldn't help but feel like Everett might not have the strength to make it back to us. 


I blink my eyes open and sit up ever so slightly. I touch my stomach and feel the roundness of it. I smile and look around. The ever green forest surrounds me and the sun is setting. The sky is a hue of colours.

Where am I? Panic races through my senses and I feel tears prick my eyes and I stand up. Where's Bryson? And my family? The pack? I don't want to be all alone again. I want my family. I want my mate with me. I'm scared. 

A twig snaps behind me and I whirl around expecting to feel pain but I don't. I look down at my body and see no cuts or bruises. My skin is pale and milky. I'm wearing a white night gown that reaches my knees. 

Another twig snaps to my left and I turn to see two people walk out of the shadow of the trees. The girl has bleach blonde hair and is wearing a flowing dress. She was beautiful and had dark grey eyes. Not the most appropriate attire for the woods but who was I to judge, I was wearing a flipping night gown for crying out loud. 

The man has a black button up shirt with shining silver buttons. He also wore black dress pants. He had a pistol at his side and sword on the other. He was handsome with dark blonde almost brown hair and dove feathered grey eyes. 

"Everett my dear," the girl smiled and stepped closer. She seemed to be about my age but she seemed to be wiser than her age. 

I stepped back, not trusting this person. "Who are you?"

"My name is Lunette. This is Anil he is my best friend and head guard. I am the Moon Goddess," she smiled and took another step closer and grabbed my hand. I flinched but didn't step back. "I can prove to you that I am telling you the truth." 

"How?" I ask curiously. 

"I visited Bryson when he went into a coma. He was attacked by rogues I believe. I told him about the Red Sun Pack and their plans that involved you," she said and I gasped in shock and look down at the ground. 

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